
Journal #28 (2010)

論文/ Article

Yuukichi Niwayama “ Caught In-between: The Life History of a Japanese Canadian Woman Deportee
庭山 雄吉「

飯島 真里子「ハワイ日本人移民の二段階移動:国際移動から国内移動へ
Mariko Iijima “Twice Migration of Japanese Immigrants to Hawai‘i: Processes, Motives and Continuity of Domestic and International Migrations”(written in Japanese)

Tristanne Connolly
 “Strange Births in the Canadian Wilderness: Atwood’s Surfacing and Cronenberg’s The Brood


砂田 恵理加「女性の役割と生体解剖:アリス・ベーコンの『医者の意見の合わぬ時.」
Erika Sunada
: “Alice M. Bacon’s “When Doctors Disagree”: Antivivisection in the United States and the Women’s Role in Japan“(written in Japanese)


書評/Book Review

Wm. Thomas Hill: “Banished: The New Social Control if Urban America.”
トーマス・ヒル )
Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert Banished: The New Social control in Urban America