
Journal #27 (2009)

論文/ Article

Shun’chi Takayanagi Orestes_Brownsons_Autobiography and Autobiographical Novels: Self-Narrative as Negotiation between Facts and Fiction
高柳 俊一オレスティス・ブラウンソンの自伝と自伝小説:事実と虚構との間の調停としての自我物語」

Joseph DiMento and Kazuto Oshio Forgotten Paths to NEPA: A Historical Analysis of the Early Environmental Law in the 1960s United States”

Yasuhiro Okada “Cold War Black Orientalism・ Race, Gender, and the African American Representations of Japanese Women during the Early1950s”
岡田 泰弘「『冷戦期の黒人オリエンタリズム』:1950年代初期のアフリカ系アメリカ人による日本人女性の表象における人種とジェンダー」

Yuko Konno “Transnationalism in Education: The Backgrounds, Motives, and Experiences of Nisei Students in Japan before World War II”
今野 裕子