
2014 Sophia American Studies Colloquium

July 9, 2014
Jonathan Okamura (Professor, University of Hawai‘i)
“The Politics of Ethnicity: Maintaining Japanese American Political Power in Hawai‘i”

November 26, 2014
Pamela Thoma (Associate Professor, Department of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies, Washington State University)
“Mutating Figures in Postfeminist North American Chick Culture: Pregnant Teens, Tiger Mothers, and Orphan Clones’”
Commentator: Niels Bjerre-Pulesen (Associte Professor, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark)

December 17, 2014
Paul Sracic (Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, Youngstown State University)
“U.S. Politics after the 2014 Midterm Elections”