
著者と語るシリーズ『Majority Minority』

講師 Justin Gest(米 ジョージ・メイソン大学 准教授)
  著者Justin Gest先生をお招きし、ご著書の成り立ちや背景についてお話しいただきました。
日時 2022年9月28日(水)17 :00-18:30   
場所 アメリカ・カナダ研究所  (上智大学中央図書館7階721A号室) 
Synopsis: How should societies respond to such great demographic change? This question lingers over the contemporary politics of the United States and other diversifying countries.  In Majority Minority, Justin Gest weaves reportage from six majority minority societies across the globe, new public opinion research, and clear-eyed analysis to chart the path of America’s demographic change and its accompanying politics. Gest argues that states hold great power to shape public responses and perceptions through leaders’ rhetoric and their management of political institutions. Grounded in rich narratives and surprising survey findings, Majority Minority explores one of the greatest social challenges of our time. (参加人数:約30名)
使用言語 英語