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1/21 特別講演会「EU貿易政策-価値観、目標とEU共通通商政策の立役者たち」を開催します

来る1月21日(月)に、欧州委員会・貿易総局政策官であるDr Jan Schmitzを招き、本学主催の講演会を開催いたします。

Dr Schmitzは、欧州委員会・貿易総局において10年以上貿易外交官を務め、大西洋横断貿易投資パートナーシップ協定(TTIP)の交渉においてEUチームの調整を担ってきました。現在、ジュネーブのWTOの知的所有権の貿易関連の側面に関する理事会において、EUの代表者として任務についています。



日時:2019年1月21日(月)18:00 -19:30
会場:上智大学四谷キャンパス 図書館9階 L-911室
使用言語: 英語(日英同時通訳あり)
モデレータ: グローバル教育センター特任教授 浦元義照


【Event announcement】
Jan. 21 Special Lecture “The EU Trade Policy–Values, Goals and Actors of the EU Common Commercial Policy”
Speaker: Dr. Jan Schmitz
Moderator:  Prof. Yoshiteru Uramoto, Sophia

Dr. Schmitz has been working as a trade diplomat at the Directorate-General for Trade of the EU for over 10 years. His assignments included the coordination of the EU team in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and EU lead negotiator for financial services and EU lead negotiator for the movement of natural persons. Currently, he is responsible for trade related aspects of intellectual property where he represents the EU at the WTO TRIPS Council in Geneva.

The lecture will present an overview of EU trade policy in the current global context of trade tensions between the United States and China and the possible erosion of the multilateral trade order. It will explain the efforts of the EU to maintain the multilateral world trade order as enshrined in the WTO agreements as well as the EU’s intensified efforts to conclude substantial bilateral trade agreements, such as the recently concluded Japan-EU Free Trade Agreement (JEFTA). Among others, the lecture will address the following questions:
• What are the specific goals and values in EU trade policy?
• What content is the EU negotiating in its trade agreements?
• How does the EU link its trade agenda with the United Nations SDGs?
• Who are the actors in EU trade policy development?

Venue: Room L-911, 9th Floor of the Library
Language : English with simultaneous interpretation
Admission free. Registration required through the below link
