Faculty Research

“A College Town in Black and White: The Color Line and Fumiko Seki’s Days in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1955-1957”
Assistant Professor
“In Pursuit of an Anti-Racist Cosmopolitanism: An American Missionary Daughter’s Settlement Work in Japan and Hawaii in the Interwar and Wartime Years”
“Solidarity economy movement in Colombia. Two regional experiences promoted by popular education for integral change“.
«Интермедиальная поэтика авангарда»
A Brief History of Boethian Scholarship
Associate Professor
A Corpus Analysis of Russian Masculine Nouns with Plural /-i/ and /-a/ Endings
Associate Professor
A language management approach to language problems: Integrating micro and macro perspectives
A language management approach to language problems: Integrating micro and macro perspectives
Action Research in Teacher Training Programs
Alien Contract Labor Law and the Problem of Imported Labor in Gilded Age America
Associate Professor
Anticipated Stigma & Ally Collective Action in Japan, the Philippines & New Zealand
Associate Professor
Big Business and State Capitalism with Russian Characteristics: State Corporations in Putin’s Russia
Associate Professor
Book in Japanese about interlingual strategies Buch auf Japanisch über interlinguale Strategien
Catalan translation and edition of the Lamentations of Divergences 『歎異抄』
Associate Professor
Challenges of Teaching International Reconciliation in Japan and Korea: A Comparative Perspective
Assistant Professor
Conceptualizing the macro and micro as an intertwining continuum: A viewpoint from LMT
Dynamics of Business-State Relations in the Putin Era
English Translation of Nao-cola Yamazaki’s The Beginning of the Long End.
Assistant Professor
Enhancing Public Speaking: Adopting the Toastmasters Approach in College-Level ESL Classrooms
Associate Professor
Expanding Horizons? An Examination of American and Canadian Landscape Representation, 1860–1918
From Mission to Secular: localization, imperialisms and transnational women’s activism in 1920s Japan
How do you actually design a language policy? A document analysis
I am not an Algorithm: Adapting Kafka’s Novel, Der Prozess into a Japanese-Language Feature Film
Interlinguale Strategien im Vergleich
Intersecting management: An examination of language management processes in cases where deviations are managed simultaneously by multiple parties
Japanese Diasporic Network across the Pacific before WWII: Migrations of people and coffee plants from Hawai‘i to the Japanese Insular Territories
Associate Professor
Japanese renditions of Korean words and phrases: Are L2 contrasts accessed by L1 grammar?
John Thelwall’s “spots of time” in The Daughter of Adoption
Associate Professor
K-Pop and Latin America: Trying to understand the impact of Hallyu 2.0 in Argentina, Mexico and Brazil
La laïcité : de curieux chassés-croisés entre la France et le Japon ?
maître de conférences
Leaven of Love Beyond Empires: Visions of Egalitarianism and Cultural Pluralism in the American Women’s Missionary Enterprise, Japan, 1930s—40s
Lessons Learned: Implementing Student Learning Assessment in Study Abroad
Assistant Professor
Lexically conditioned phonetic variation: an experimental test with the singleton-geminate contrast in Japanese
Linguistic discrimination in the digital age: Problems relating to the input of ‘non-Japanese’ names on Japanese websites
Machine translation as a motivation factor and testing tool in the process of teaching philology students
Associate Professor
Managing micro-level language problems in the Japanese multilingual workplace
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the Paradoxes of “Vitality”
Associate Professor
Missionary Travels and Ecumenism in the Life of Takeda (Cho) Kiyoko
O contato linguístico na comunidade okinawana do Brasil e as peculiaridades linguísticas do Burajiru-Okinawa-Colonia-go como variante da língua japonesa
Professora Assistente
Perception of allophonic variations in American English by Japanese learners: Flaps are less favored than stops
Politics and Religion in Postwar Japan: Focusing on the Relationships between Political Parties and Religious Groups
Associate Professor
Preparing Japanese learners of English for study abroad: What’s missing?
Associate Professor
Relative clause processing in Tongan: an effect of syntactic ergativity on the object preference
Rethinking Language Policy: How to deal with agency
Russia’s Oil and Gas Pivot to Asia: State Politics, Economic Development and Market Dynamics
Russian-speaking Migrants Working in Japan: Exploring Inequalities and Underemployment
Assistant Professor
Screenplays Full of Holes
State Management of Russia’s Strategic Companies under Putin
Associate Professor
Strategie komunikacji transgranicznej: perspektywa polsko-niemiecka a sytuacja w Japonii (Strategies of transborder communication: German-Polish perspectives and the Japanese situation)
Teaching about “Japanese Privilege” in Higher Education: Contextualizing Privilege to the Japanese Context
The effect of lexical competition on realization of phonetic contrasts: a corpus study of the voicing contrast in Japanese
The mysterious case of em: Grammaticalization of a SVC in Fataluku
Associate Professor
The Price of Care: A reflection on work in childcare and elderly care in France
Associate Professor
The State and Big Business in Putin’s Russia: Recent Developments in State-Owned Business under Putin
The walking meditation to the 88 Sacred Temples of Shikoku [四国八十八ヶ所]
Too Strong Competitor, Complement to NAFTA, or Potential Market?: China’s Impact on Mexican Economy
Trans-National Screenplays in Japan, Theory and Practice.
Transnational Encounters in ‘Private Spaces’ of the Japanese Allied Occupation
Transnational Environmental Representation: Canadian and American Landscape Paintings during the 19th Century
Vowel devoicing in Tokyo Japanese: its lexical status
When your name just doesn’t fit: Processes of marginalization surrounding the written representation of non-Japanese names
Writing as a social process: Development in scaffolded L2 writing
Краткое содержание статьи «Кто же такая Тамара из одноименной баллады М.Ю. Лермонтова «Тамара»?»
Краткое содержание статьи «Ритмика и порядок слов предложений у Гоголя и попытка их перевода на японский язык»