My Graduation Thesis Experience

Linguistics Concentration

Anri Takakuwa
English Studies

I transferred to Sophia University in my junior year, so I was determined to produce a thesis that would give form to everything I learned in those two years leading up to graduation. The material we were working on in my practicum seminar (grammar theory and semantics) was very difficult for me, and I was nervous about whether I could write a thesis. In fact, it took me a long time to read through the materials and I did not start writing until a month before the thesis had to be submitted, so I felt really rushed. But my seminar professor helped me out many times—when I decided on the theme, and whenever I would get stuck—so once I started writing, I think everything proceeded smoothly. I learned many new things from the literature review, and there were also many opportunities to apply the knowledge I gained through the seminar. Writing my graduation thesis was challenging for me, but it was a great opportunity to review everything I’d learned to date and to present that to the people around me.

Faculty of Foreign Studies