■ 講演会

2018年11月09日 11:25:48

アジア研究セミナー 2018「”Dark Ages” in the History of the Philippines」が2018年12月7日(金)に開催されます。

The three “dark periods” I shall discuss are late Spanish rule dominated by the friars, the occupation by the Japanese army, and the more recent martial law under the dictator Marcos. I will show how events are transformed into mythologies that enable political projects to be carried out. How effective have these narrative constructions been, and how far can they go?

日時2018年12月7日 (金)19:00〜20:30
テーマ“Dark Ages” in the History of the Philippines:
Tyrants, Martyrs and Saviors in the Construction of
a National Narrative
講師Dr. Reynaldo C. Ileto
(Honorary Professor, Emeritus Faculty, Australian National University)
会場上智大学四谷キャンパス 6号館2階204号教室
Email: i-asianc@sophia.ac.jp