タイトル / Title

Kelly Loves Tony

発表年 / Year


プロデューサー / Producer

Spencer Nakasako Debbie Lum

ディレクター / Director

Spencer Nakasako/

長さ / Length



17歳のKelly Saeturnは大学に進学することを夢見ていた。しかし、彼女は恋人Tonyとの子供を妊娠した。Tonyは優秀なKellyとは対照的に、中学を中退し前科がある。この映画はノンフィクションで、実在しているカップルのお話だ。二人の若いカップルが親になること、ジェンダー、文化、教育など様々な障害がありながら関係性を築いていき、また東南アジア系移民の問題も取り上げている。


Seventeen year-old Kelly Saeturn has a dream- she calls it her "American dream." As a fresh high school graduate on her way to college, she envisions a rosy future for herself, full of exciting opportunites granted by a college education. Kelly is the first in her family of Iu Mien refugees from Laos to have accomplished as much as she already has, but her dream exist in sharp contrast to her reality. She is also pregnant. Her boyfriend Tony is a junior high drop out and ex-con whom she had met three months earlier at a shopping mall. The brutal honesty of this film's footage and dialogue offers viewers a rare glimpse into the lives of two young people struggling to make their relationship work in the face of overwhelming obstacles like parenthood, gender, culture, and education.

キーワード / Keywords


備考 / Others

邦題 / Japanese Title


制作国 / Country
