タイトル / Title

December 7: The Movie

発表年 / Year


プロデューサー / Producer

John Ford

ディレクター / Director

John Ford Gregg Toland/

長さ / Length



John FordのDecember 7thはアメリカ政府が不利な状況になると思われ、50年間上映を禁止されていた。真珠湾攻撃から50周年が経った1991年に、元々の長さである82分バージョンが初めて上映された。(34分バージョンは以前上映され、John Fordが4度目のアカデミー賞を受賞した。)Walter Hustonが演じたサムは、真珠湾攻撃の前日にホノルルを訪れた。12月7日、日曜日の朝、日本軍が真珠湾を攻撃した。この映画はアメリカが第二次世界大戦を参戦するきっかけとなった真珠湾攻撃をハリウッドならではの視点で色濃く描いている。


John Ford's December 7th: The Movie was banned by the US Government for nearly fifty years. The film is now available to the general public for the first time ever in this copyright Special 50th Anniversary Edition, fully restored to its original 82 minutes lengths which subtitles added to the controversial Japanese language sequences and a descriptive prologue created for the modern audience. (A completely censored 34-minute version of the film was released and earned John Ford his fourth Academy Award.) This full-length, unreleased version stars Walter Huston as Uncle Sam and is set in Honolulu on the day before the Japanese attack. Uncle Sam vacations complacently in Hawaii, concerned with the on going war in Europe. On Sunday morning, December 7th, air squadrons appear, "swooping down like flights of tiny locusts." The attack on Pearl Harbor, America's first battle of World War II, is vividly illustrated as only Hollywood can do. The film was banned because of its investigatory nature which the government felt resulted in finger pointing toward its own faults in the episode. It was confiscated as "damaging to morale."

キーワード / Keywords


備考 / Others

邦題 / Japanese Title


制作国 / Country
