

”Making Majority Privilege Visible” -Raising Awareness to Dismantle Structural Barriers-

About the video: “Making Majority Privilege Visible: Addressing Structural Discrimination as a Personal Matter”

 In order for universities to achieve true diversity and inclusion, we must begin with eliminating structural discrimination. Recognizing and eliminating the unconscious biases we hold are important, but we must also acknowledge the various privileges we hold based on our dominant and/or majority identities which helps us identify how structural barriers that prevent equal opportunities for everyone.
 This video aims to raise the awareness of faculty, administrators, and staff at universities, especially those in decision-making positions, and provides clues for changing structural barriers that are imbedded in our institutions.
【Lecturer: Dr. Makiko Deguchi, Professor, Department of English Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University】

■Target Audience

 University administrators, faculty, and staff with decision-making power.
 In addition, this video would be useful for any faculty and staff who, in promoting greater diversity, to increase awareness and change among their fellow colleagues.

■Content (17 minutes)

 ・Let’s Help Everyone Achieve their Fullest Potential
 ・What is “Majority Privilege?”
 ・Majority and Minority Identities
 ・Three Types of Discrimination
 ・Mechanisms of Privilege
 ・Recognizing One’s Own Privileges
 ・What Allies Can Do

■Ways this video can be used

 This video showcases the importance of a systematic approach to making structural discrimination visible. It can be used in the following ways:
 ・Human resource development aimed at promoting diversity (training for employees and project leaders, etc.)
 ・Assessing the level of diversity promotion (reassessing the decision-making practices for hiring, promotion, and employee benefits and working conditions, etc.)
 ・Development of diversity promotion policies (deciding and implementing new policies)

■Survey (to be filled out after viewing)

 Thank you for viewing the “Making Majority Privilege Visible: Addressing Structural Discrimination as a Personal Matter.” We hope that this video was helpful in providing tips for increasing awareness in your efforts to promote diversity.
 We would greatly appreciate it if you can provide us with your feedback.

【Contact information】
Secretariat of Sophia University Diversity Survey Analysis Project

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