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IGC Staff
SHIMOKAWA, MasatsuguProfessor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
Deputy Director
KWON, Hyang SukAssociate Professor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
Institute Fellow
INABA, NanakoProfessor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
OKAMOTO, NahokoAssociate Professor, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Human Sciences
SAWADA, MinoruProfessor, Faculty of Human Sciences
TANAKA, MasakoProfessor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
TAMURA, RikaProfessor, Department of Luso-Brazilian Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
DEGUCHI, MakikoProfessor, Department of English Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies,
TERADA, ToshiroProfessor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities
WEISS, Tobias Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
NAKANO, KoichiProfessor, Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Liberal Arts
HATAYA, NorikoProfessor, Department of Hispanic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
HAIDAR, JuanProfessor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Theology
MARUYAMA, HidekiProfessor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies
MIURA, MariProfessor, Department of Legal Studies of the Global Environment, Faculty of Law
Visiting Researcher
HAMADA, ErikoAssociate Professor, College of Community and Human Services, Rikkyo University
Visiting Fellow
TATSUMI, YorikoAssociate Professor, Department of Global Citizenship Studies, Seisen University
NAKANO, Yoshihiro
Abe, RuriProfessor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism HP
Honorary Fellow
YASUOKA, TakaakiConsultor, Pontificil for Justice and Peace Vatican
Emiko YoshikawaHonorary professor of Sophia University
Haruhiko TanakaHonorary professor of Sophia University