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Rooted in the spirit in which Sophia University was founded, the IGC seeks to develop individuals who will work to achieve human dignity and solidarity by conducting research from a global perspective into the various problems threatening these goals and providing opportunities for both students and society at large to learn from such inquiries and undertake practical actions to effect change.
In pursuit of this goal, the IGC:
  1. conducts survey research into various problems of poverty and violence in a globalizing society
  2. organizes seminars, lectures and other events to promote awareness of such problems amongst students and members of society
  3. works together with the needy to build solidarity among the worlds' peoples and communities
  4. promotes the University's relationship with the wider society by building connections with both internal and external organizations
  5. publicizes the above activities and their results through its website and publications
  6. undertakes other activities necessary to meet the IGC's objectivess