<Announcement and Acknowledgement>

The Sophia Relief Service (SRS) closed down its 40 years history of relief activities begun in 1977. We are grateful for all the support from all over Japan over a period of time. The relief activities are growing increasingly important in the globalized world. Although SRS ends up its mission, we, the Institute of Global Concern, is continuing to watch the issue and undertake the research activities. Again, we appreciate your support and kindness for SRS and pray for the world peace.

Sophia Relief Service (SRS) April 17, 2017

  The Sophia Relief Service (SRS) continues the university-wide relief activities for Southeast Asian refugees begun in December 1977 and carried on by the “Giving a Hand to the World’s Poor” association by undertaking support activities that contribute to the improvement of food supplies, medical care, housing and education for the impoverished in Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. Through such activities, the SRS also seeks to raise the consciousness of Sophia University students and faculty and promote research into these issues.
Charity Bazaar
  The SRS holds an annual charity bazaar at Sophia University. The profits from the sale of various goods and books received from donors across the country are used to promote the independence of people in the areas receiving assistance. In 2009, in order to promote a deeper understanding of refugee issues among the student body, interested students formed the SRS charity bazaar executive committee and undertook the planning and management of the bazaar. In addition to these activities, in the future the committee plans to hold study meetings and to visit domestic refugee assistance organizations in order to learn more about refugee-related issues.

To achieve these goals, the SRS donates funds collected from donors nationwide and the profits from events such as the SRS charity bazaar to organizations involved in assisting African refugees and the impoverished both within Japan and abroad. In addition to remitting monetary funds, the SRS seeks to raise the awareness of students and society at large through the dissemination of information and the activities of the SRS charity bazaar executive committee. Surveys are also conducted on the regions receiving assistance. The “Sophia Relief Service,” published twice yearly, informs our broad range of supporters of the current status of relief activities. This also builds understanding and support for the objectives of the SRS.

-In April 2010, Colombia joined South Africa and Kenya in receiving SRS support
-Funds remitted in 2009 : South Africa (Bienvenu Shelter): 3,000 dollars, Kenya (Nyumbani Orphanage, Kakuma Refugee Camp): 9,000 dollars

Areas of Support
  Donations are used for the urgent task of promoting the recovery and independence of refugees and internally displaced persons through the purchase of food, drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, the digging of wells, construction of facilities, and educational activities. Reports issued by each recipient organization detail how donations have been used.

Institute of Global Concern
Sophia University
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