5月29日、上智学院のプテンカラム ジョンジョセフ グローバル化推進担当理事(上智大学経済学部教授)と石澤良昭教授(アジア人材養成研究センター所長)は、来日中のカンボジア王国政府フン・セン首相を表敬訪問しました。
On May 29, Dr. John Joseph Puthenkalam, Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Trustee for Global Academic Affairs of Sophia University, and Professor Dr. Yoshiaki Ishizawa, Director of the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Prime Minister Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia, in the course of his visit to Japan.
By way of activities related to the conservation and restoration of Cambodia’s world cultural heritage of Angkor Wat, and the development of Human Resources, our university has for the past 30 years contributed towards the reinforcement of friendship and goodwill, between our two nations.
In August 1983, in the very midst of the Cambodian civil war, Professor Ishizawa informed His Excellency Mr. Hun Sen, who at the time happened to be Foreign Minister, of the ruinous situation of the Angkor monuments. Utilizing the slogan ‘extending hands of love to Indo-chinese refugees,’ our university in 1979 began activities in support of refugee relief. In 1991, the Angkor International Research team was organized, and under the name ‘Sophia Mission,’ we commenced the training of Cambodians as conservators.
Prime Minister Hun Sen is the third person from the right, Professor Puthenkalam is second from the left, and Professor Ishizawa is third from the left.
Professor Ishizawa explains to His Excellency Prime Minister Hun Sen, the current situation concerning the restoration of the Western Causeway of Angkor Wat. (This photograph was donated by the government of Cambodia).
In 1996, in the city of Siem Reap where the Angkor site is located, our university erected at a setting close to the site the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development. In the period spanning 1996~2007, we concluded the first phase of the renovation of the Western Causeway of Angkor Wat and we are now involved in the second phase of the renovation, a task we commenced in 2016. Cambodian conservators who obtained either master’s or doctoral degrees at our university’s graduate school now constitute key figures in these renovation tasks, which they pursue with a spirit of diligence and zeal. In these efforts, technical aid is provided by the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development.
Professor Dr. John Joseph Puthenkalam informed His Excellency Prime Minister Hun Sen of our wish to sustain this fortification of bonds between our nations, by our continued cooperation in the renewal of the Western Causeway. Dr. Ishizawa, by the use of suitable photographs, notified His Excellency of the current state of affairs at the Causeway, and when he conveyed to him his desire that he address our students, His Excellency replied, “I shall certainly do as you say.” Thus, it turned out overall into becoming a harmonious and congenial visit.