- 難民救済活動からアンコール・ワット西参道修復工事完成まで -
Special Exhibition
The Sophia Mission in Cambodia(1979 - 2023)
From Efforts at Refugee Relief to the Completion of the Angkor Wat Western Causeway
Sophia University’s involvement in Cambodia, known as the Sophia Mission, began in 1991 when Dr. Yoshiaki Ishizawa started training Cambodian archaeological site conservation officers at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh. This initiative aimed to rebuild expertise lost during the civil war. After 33 years of dedication, Sophia University’s international service efforts culminated in the restoration of the Angkor Wat Western Causeway by Cambodian conservators in November last year. The Cambodian government celebrated this achievement with a national ceremony.
This exhibition highlights 33 years of Sophia University’s international service activities, led by Dr. Ishizawa, from the inception of the conservation officer training in 1991 to the completion of the restoration work in 2023, and looks forward to the future of Sophia University.
2024.7.6『アンコール・ワットと私』は、石澤先生がカンボジアの遺跡現場へ出向き、現地の人達と一緒になって取組む国際奉仕活動約40年の記録であり、夢を果たせずに夭折した亡きカンボジア人保存官たちへの鎮魂の書です。この度、日本語版を定本として、クメール語訳版に続き、英語訳版 ”ANGKOR WAT AND I. An Eminent Japanese Scholar’s Reflections on Angkor “ がデジタルブックとして公開されました。
“ANGKOR WAT AND I” is a record of 40 years of international service to Cambodia, in which Dr. Ishizawa visited the sites and worked together with the local people, and is a requiem for the memory of the late Cambodian conservators who died prematurely without fulfilling their dreams due to the Cambodian Civil War.
We are pleased to announce that the English translation of "ANGKOR WAT AND I. An Eminent Japanese Scholar's Reflections on Angkor" is now available as a digital book, following the Khmer translation, with the Japanese version as the fixed edition.
The inauguration opening ceremony of the Western Causeway of Angkor Wat with its first crossing was celebrated.
The Research Report "La Renaissance Culturelle du Cambodge(33)" was published.
プノンペン大学のカンボジア日本人材開発センター(CJCC)「Angkor Kizuna」ホールにおいて挙行されました。
Conferring an Honorary Doctorate (History and Humanities) on the Director, Dr. Yoshiaki Ishizawa, by the Royal University of Phnom Penh
On November 1, 2022, in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Narong, Minister of Education of
the Kingdom of Cambodia, a ceremony to confer an Honorary Doctorate (History and Humanities) was
conducted for the Director Dr. Yoshiaki Ishizawa, at the Angkor Kizuna Hall of the Cambodia-Japan
Cooperation Center (CJCC), at the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
2022.10.14上智大学アジア人材養成研究センターは、世界遺産アンコール・ワットにご関心のある方を対象に、国際シンポジウム「カンボジア・アンコール王朝の水利都市とアンコール・ワット建立」を2022年11月5日(土)13:00 ~ 17:30 ウェビナーで開催いたします。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
Sophia University Asia Center for Research and Development of Human Resources will hold anInternational Symposium " The Hydraulic City of the Angkor Empire and Construction of Angkor Wat "as a webinar for those who are interested in the World Heritage Angkor Wat on Saturday, November 5,2022 13:00 to 17:30. We look forward to your participation.
2022.08.18『バンテアイ・クデイⅠ: カンボジア アンコール遺跡群バンテアイ・クデイ前柱殿C09一帯における発掘調査報告』が刊行されました。
The Research Report "Banteay Kdei Ⅰ: The report of archaeological excavations conducted at surrounding area of Front Colonnaded Hall C09, Banteay Kdei, Angkor, Cambodia" was published.
The Research Report "La Renaissance Culturelle du Cambodge(31)" was published.
A project endorsed by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, that is, an international workshop on
the topic, “Building International Alliances that contribute to Cultural Heritage Education in
the 10 nations of ASEAN,” was organized online on January 8th (Saturday) and 9th (Sunday).
The Research Report "La Renaissance Culturelle du Cambodge(31)" was published.
An International Workshop Concerning the Ten Nations of ASEAN was held
2020.12.222020年9月28日、カンボジア・日本「オンライン アンコール・ワット国際会議」が、
On September 28, 2020, an “Online Angkor Wat International Conference” was organized
between Cambodia and Japan, linking Japan to the construction site of Angkor Wat
Two Cambodian Graduates Receive the Commendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the First Year of Reiwa
Professor Dr. Yoshiaki Ishizawa, and Professor Dr. John Joseph Puthenkalam, Trustee for Global Academic Affairs of Sophia University, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Prime Minister Hun Sen, of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Three professors at Sophia University receive Royal Orders from the Kingdom of Cambodia
2017. 09. 018月31日フィリピンのマニラで「ラモン・マグサイサイ賞」授賞式が行なわれました
“The Ramon Magsaysay Award 2017” was presented to Prof. Yoshiaki Ishizawa on August 31,2017 during the ceremony in Manila, Philippines
2017. 07. 27上智大学アジア人材養成研究センター所長の石澤良昭教授が2017年度「ラモン・マグサイサイ賞」を受賞
Professor Yoshiaki Ishizawa, Director of the Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development receives the 2017 Ramon Magsaysay Award
2017. 06. 21第21回文化遺産国際協力コンソーシアム研究会「危機に瀕する楽園の遺産―ミクロネシア連邦ナンマトル遺跡を中心に―」ご案内
2017. 05. 02ASF2017学術講演会企画「石澤良昭元学長特別講演会―ヨゼフ・ピタウ先生とソフィア・ミッション―」ご案内
2017. 05. 02「高校生のためのアンコール・ワット保存修復事業スタディツアー」に協力します
2017. 05. 02カンボジアフェスティバル2017に出展します
2017. 05. 01上智大学アジア人材養成研究センターのホームページを再開いたします