Date | December 8, 2024 10:00-18:00 |
Venue | Room 921, 9F Central Library, Sophia University Yotsuya Campus *Visitors outside Sophia University are kindly asked to register at the library entrance. |
Language | Japanese and English will be used (no simultaneous interpretation available). |
Behind every ‘Made in Japan’ exported good lies a rich tapestry of broader contexts and places. This conference aims to forge a new history of traded goods by exploring the concepts, narratives, spaces, interregional networks, and trajectories that have shaped export products on a global scale. Focusing on the early exported genres of crafts and decorative arts (工芸) and terroir products such as green tea, the conference will reveal the essential processes behind the creation of exported goods. This interdisciplinary meeting will bring together historians of art, architecture, economy, cultural anthropologists, and geographers for a collaborative exploration. | ||
Admission | Free | |
Please apply using the following registration form by December 6. |
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Program | 10:00-10:05 開会のあいさつ 飯島真里子(上智大学)
10:05-10:15 趣旨説明 杉浦未樹(法政大学比較経済研究所) 10:15-12:45 セッション1「分類と陳列 Classification and Display」 工と芸の文脈(対面) チェア: 後藤浩子(法政大学) 井戸美里(京都工芸繊維大学)「室礼としての「美術」「工芸」―万国博覧会の日本館を中心に―」 コメント: 加藤幸治(武蔵野美術大学) 13:35-15:35 セッション 2 「産地 Terroir 」 緑茶輸出を軸に(対面) チェア:井戸美里(京都工芸繊維大学) 赤松和寿江(京都工芸繊維大学) 「宇治茶産地におけるメイド イン ジャパンの文脈:テリトーリオとテロワールから読む」 コメント 上杉和央(京都府立大学) 15:50-17:50 Session 3 「Mobility 移動」Transregional Networks at Play(対面・ZOOM) Chair: Keiko Suzuki (Ritsumeikan University)
Comment: Hidekazu Sensui (Kanagawa University) 17:55-18:00 閉会のあいさつ |
Sponsored by | Institute of American and Canadian Studies Hosei University. Institute of Comparative Economic Studies |