
1988 Lectures (open to the public)

1988 Lectures (open to the public)

April 27
Turner, Ralph H. (Professor, Sociology, University of California at Los Angeles)
“The American People: Individualists or Joiners?”

May 16
Siebes, Jos William. (Representative, Office of Quebec State Government in Japan)
“Quebec’s Perspectives and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.”

June 9
Bailey, J. Albert. (Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Michigan)
“Expansion Outward!: U.S. Overseas Involvement at the Turn of the Century.”

June 10
Kenny, Stephen Donnell. (Visiting Professor, Canadian Studies, Kansei Gakuin University) 
“Canada’s Uniqueness: A Historian’s Perspective.”
Needler, Martin C. (Professor, Political Science, University of New Mexico)
“The United States’ Policy toward Latin America: The Central America and Panama Crisis.” (This lecture was jointly held with the Sophia University Institute for Ibero-American Studies.)

June 13
Irwin, Yukiko. (Benjamin Franklin’s Descendant in the Seventh Generation; Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New York)
“Oriental Mentality: As a Descendant of Benjamin Franklin.”

June 28
Hart, Gary. (Former-U.S. Senator)“U.S. Presidential Election and U.S.-Japanese Relations in the Future.”

October 28
Schultz, John A. (Associate Professor, Mount Allison University; Visiting Professor, Canadian Studies, Tsukuba University)
“Canadian Immigration Policy.”

November 21
Taniguchi, Yumiko. (Translator)
“Little America on the Prairie: The West of Laura Wilder.”

December 1
Matsuo, Fumio. (Kyodo News Agency)
“The Status of American Politics: A Reporter’s Views.”

December 7
Casella, Donna. (Assistant Professor, Mankato University, Minnesota)
“Atomic Bomb and Changing American Consciousness.”