
About this Journal

The Journal of American and Canadian Studies is published annually by the Institute of American and Canadian Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan to promote better understandings of the North American region and distributed over two thousand readers throughout the world.
The Journal consists of scholarly papers, book reviews, and introductory articles on North American areas. The readers include members of academia, journalism, civil service, graduate schools as well as interested parties. The topics could be political, economical, historical and cultural considerations on the area.


We welcome scholarly papers and book reviews that treat history, literature, politics, economics, culture and international relations on the American and Canadian regions. Every researcher and student can submit manuscripts to the journal regardless of his/her affiliation.


Please send an inquiry to

Evaluation Process

Submissions are evaluated by the editorial board. The editorial board informs the author of the result of peer review. The accepted paper will be published in printed form, and also be carried on this web site. For detailed information on the evaluation process, please send an inquiry to


Papers on this web page are open to everyone and are freely provided. The copyright belongs to the Institute of American and Canadian Studies. Should you decide to quote or use parts of these articles for your publications, please notify us via email. Due to the non-profit nature of The Journal, there will be no remunerations for the papers.

Editorial Board

The editorial board consists of full time members of the Institute of American and Canadian Studies. The members are as follows:

  • Editor in Chief : Noriko Ishii
  • Board members : Kazuto Oshio, Shitsuyo Masui, Tomoyuki Iino, Juro Otsuka, Kenneth G. Okimoto, Kimiyo Ogawa, Mariko Iijima, Makiko Deguchi, Kazuhiro Maeshima, Mishio Yamanaka


Contact us at the following address for details.


Submit articles and all correspondence to

Editorial Board, The Journal of American and Canadian Studies

Mailing address
Editorial Board
The Journal of American and Canadian Studies
Sophia University Institute of American and Canadian Studies
7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to

Manuscript Requirements

  • Articles: about 8,000 words, Review articles about 5,000 words, Book reviews about 3,000 words.
    Manuscripts should be originally written for this journal, not submitted elsewhere in any form of publications, and not be under consideration by any other journal.
  • The style of the manuscript should follow either the current edition of the CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE or the MLA STYLE MANUAL.
    Footnotes or references should be internally consistent, following whichever style is chosen for the manuscript.
    We reserve the right to make minor stylistic changes of the manuscript in accordance with the CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE or the MLA STYLE MANUAL.
  • The author's identification should include name, title/position and /or area of specialty.
  • A three-hundred-word abstract of your manuscript should be attached.
  • Upon the manuscripts written not in English or Japanese, we deliberate before we embark on evaluation process.

This Journal is indexed and abstracted in America: History and Life, Historical Abstracts, and Canadian Magazine Index.


no.41 2023
No.40 2022
No.39 2021
No.38 2020
No.37 2019
No.36 2018
No.35 2017
No.34 2016
No.33 2015
No.32 2014
No.31 2013
No.30 2012
No.29 2011
No.28 2010
No.27 2009
No.26 2008
No.25 2007
No.24 2006
No.23 2005
No.22 2004
No.21 2003
No.20 2002
No.19 2001
No.18 2000
No.17 1999
No.16 1998
No.15 1997
No.14 1996
No.13 1995
No.12 1994
No.11 1994
No.10 1993
No.9 1992
No.8 1991
No.7 1991
No.6 1990
No.5 1990
No.4 1989
No.3 1989
No.2 1989
No.1 1988