
1989 Lectures (open to the public)

1989 Lectures (open to the public)

June 12
Ishikawa, Yoshimi. (Commentator; Nonfiction Writer)
“The Japan-U.S. Relations from the American Soil.”

June 15
Takashi, Yoshida. (Photographer; Photographic Journalist)
“Shooting Pictures: 20 Years of America.”

October 19
Okamoto, Yukio. (Director of the First North American Division, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
“U.S.-Japanese Negotiations: What We Really Think.”

October 26
Baba, Kyoko. (Freelance Writer)
“Japanese in U.S.-Japanese Cultural Friction.”

November 7
Frisch, Michael. (State University of New York at Buffalo)
“The Meeting of the 60s: Where have the Flowers Gone?”

November 16
Nakamura, Akira. (Department of Politics and Economics, Meiji University)
“Integrated Administrations in U.S. and Canada: Small Independence Makes Big Happiness?

December 14
Gagne, Wallace D. (Part-time Lecturer, Sophia University)
“Canadian Politics: Insights and Comparisons.”