
(English announcement follows)

日時:2013年11月9日(土)16時ー18時 会場:上智大学四谷キャンパス2号館6階630A会議室(JR、地下鉄四谷駅より徒歩5分) 講師:ウイス・ヌルラエラワティ氏(シャリフ・ヒダヤトゥッラー国立イスラーム大学(ジャカルタ)上級講師)
講演題目:Islamic Justice in Indonesia: Family Law reforms and legal practices in the Religious Courts.

Modernization, Tradition and Identity: The Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Religious Courts, Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, 2010

SIAS Study group of "Southeast Asian Muslims and modernity” is pleased announce the following lecture. Those who are interested in the topic are welcome to attend.

Date & time: Sat. Nov.9, 2013, 16:00-18:00
Venue: Room 630a, 6th floor, Bldg.2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University (5 min. walk from JR & Metro Yotsuya station.)
Speaker: Dr. Euis Nuralelawati (Senior lecturer in the Islamic law at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Jakarta
Title: Islamic Justice in Indonesia: Family Law reforms and legal practices in the Religious Courts.
Discussant: Dr. Ono Hitomi (Lecturer, Gakushuin Women’s College)

Euis Nuralelawati obtained Ph.D. from Utrecht University in 2007, and her dissertation came out as a book, Modernization, Tradition and Identity: the Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Religious Courts, Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, 2010.
This book was reviewed in five academic journals and was appreciated internationally. The study by Euis is a comprehensive work that examines questions pertaining to Islamic law in contemporary society with reference to lawmakers, legal scholars, practicing judges, and ordinary Muslims for whom the laws are applied from various angles.