
Date and Time: Oct. 23, Sun. 2011. 10:00- 18:00
Place: Sophia University, Bldg.2, 6th floor, Room 630a

   Direction to Yotsuya Campas
   Campas MAP

Morning Session
Chairperson: Dr. Arai Kazuhiro (Keio University)
10:00 Opening Remarks: Prof. Kawashima Midori (Sophia University)
10:15-11:00 Dr. SugaharaYumi (Osaka University)
 "Islamic Knowledge Disseminated through the Publication of Translated Kitabs in the Netherlands Indies."
11:00-11:45 Dr. Oman Fathurahman (SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University)
 "Kitabs from Cairo: An Overview of the New Collection of Southeast Asian Kitabs at Sophia University."
11:45-12:30 Dr. Hattori Mina (Nagoya University)
 (The title will be notified later.)

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session 1
Chairperson: Prof. Kobayashi Yasuko (Nanzan University)
13:30-14:15 Mr. ErvanNurtawab (JuraiSiwo State Islamic College, Lampung)
 "When the Text Meets Its Local Contexts: Lexical Equivalents of Southeast Asian Qur’anic Translations."
14:15-15:00 Prof. Kawashima Midori
 "Islamic Intellectuals in the Philippines: An Approach from Kitabs."
15:00-15:30 Mr. Ishikawa Kazumasa (Graduate student, Sophia University)
 "Report of the Field Tripfor Collecting Kitabs in Myammar."

Coffee Break

Afternoon Session 2
Chairperson: Prof. Aoyama Toru: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
15:50-16:35: Comments
Dr. NicoKaptein (Leiden University)
Prof. Tonaga Yasushi (Kyoto University)
Dr. Mujibrahman (State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Antasari)

16:35-17:50: General Discussion

17:50-18:00: Closing

Contacts:  アジア文化研究所 i-asianc@sophia.ac.jp  川島緑 midori-k@sophia.ac.jp