
Date and Time: Oct.22, Sat. 2011. 14:00-17:30
Place: Room 630a, 6th floor, Bldg. 2, Sophia University
 (5 min. walk from Yotsuya station)
Language: English (通訳なし)

   Direction to Yotsuya Campas
   Campas MAP

Chairperson: Kawashima Midori

14:00- First Lecture
Dr. NicoKaptein (Leiden University)
 “Some early Islamic posters from the Netherlands East Indies”

Coffee Break

15:40- Second Lecture
Dr. Mujibrahman (State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Antasari)
 “Inter and Intra-religious dialogue in contemporary Indonesia: a participant's point of view”
Discussant: Prof. Cyril Veliath (Sophia University)

 アジア文化研究所 i-asianc@sophia.ac.jp
 川島緑 midori-k@sophia.ac.jp。