

 Symposium on Bangsa and Umma: A Comparative Study of People-Grouping Concepts in the Islamic Areas of Southeast Asia.

 May 12, 13 & 19, 2007. Tokyo and Kyoto
 Language: English (通訳なし)

 Part 1  May 12, Sat. 13:00-19:00  2007年5月12日(土) 13-19時
  L-911, Main Library, Sophia University, Tokyo 上智大学図書館9階L-911(JR、地下鉄四ツ谷駅より徒歩5分)

 Chairperson: Dr. ARAI Kazuhiro (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
 13:00-13:15: Opening Remarks: Prof. KAWASHIMA Midori (Sophia University)
 13:15-15:30: Aspects of Islam in Southeast Asia from the viewpoint of the Jawi document
 Dr. Michael LAFFAN (Princeton University)
  "Notes on Jawi Printing and Tariqa Sufism between Mecca and Singapore"
 Dr. HATTORI Mina (Nagoya University)
  "Religious Jawi Documents in Minangkabau."
 Dr. SUGAHARA Yumi (Tenri University)
  "Kitab Jawa: Islamic Textbooks Written in Javanese (Pegon)"
 15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
 15:45-18:00: Aspects of Bangsa and Umma in the Islamic Areas of Southeast Asia
 Mr. KUNIYA Toru (Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University)
 "Umma in Colonial Context: Pilgrim-Statistics in the Netherlands-Indies."
 Ms. SHINOZAKI Kaori (University of Europe-Asia)
 "Contesting Chineseness: Bangsa and Queues in the Straits Settlements, 1896-1911."
 Ms. NISHI Yoshimi (The University of Tokyo)
  "Two Concepts of Acehnese in the Law on Governing Aceh, 2006: Peace Building by Diversifying Representative"
 18:00-18:15: Coffee Break
 18:15-19:00: General Discussion
 19:15-21:00: Reception:スクワール麹町(新宿通り沿い、上智大学向かい側、03-3234-8739)

 Part 2 May 13, Sun.13:00-18:30  5月13日13-18時30分
  Room 303, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo. 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所303号室(西武多摩川線多磨駅より徒歩5分/京王線飛田給駅より多磨駅行バス10分、外大前下車)

 Chairperson: Prof. AOYAMA Toru (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
 13:00-13:15: Opening Remarks: Dr. YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki (Kyoto University)
 13:15-15:30: Presentations:
 Prof. Anthony MILNER (Australian National University and ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
   "The Making of the ‘Bangsa Melayu" 「バンサ・ムラユの形成」
 Dr. NISHIO Kanji (Oriental Library)
 "Bangsa and Politics: Melayu-Bugis Relations in Johor-Riau and Riau-Lingga".
 15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
 15:45-17:15: Presentations
 Dr. Michael LAFFAN
   "What Can the Letters of Collaborators Tell Us About the Idea of an Islamic Indies?"
 Dr. TSUBOI Yuji (Joint Researcher, ILCAA Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
 "The Transformation of the Framework of Bangsa in British Malaya: The Malay Community in Selangor under the Colonial Administration".
 Dr. Ariffin Omar (Northern University of Malaysia)
  "Bangsa Melayu and the Concept of Umma in Islam in Malaysia"
 17:15-17:30: Coffee Break
 17:30-18:30: General Discussion

 Part 3 May 19, Sat.13:00-18:15 2007年5月19日(土)13-18:15
  Room 447, ASAFAS, Engineering Bldg. No.4, Kyoto University, Kyoto. 京都大学工学部4号館4階(アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)会議室447 (JR/近鉄京都駅から市バス206/17系統、阪急河原町駅から市バス201/17/3系統「百万遍」下車)

 Chairperson: Dr. ISHII Masako (Osaka University)
 13:00-13:15 : Opening Remarks:Prof. Anthony MILNER
 13:15-14:45: Presentations:
 Dr. Michael LAFFAN, "What Can the Letters of Collaborators Tell Us About the Idea of an Islamic Indies?"
 Dr. YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki, "Restructuring the Federalism of Bangsas: Development of National/Ethnic Concepts in Sabah, Malaysia"
 14:45-15:00: Coffee Break
 15:00-16:30: Presentations:
 Dr. Ariffin Omar, "The Malay Muslims of Southern Thailand and Their Concept of Bangsa and Umma"
 Prof. KAWASHIMA Midori, "Transformation of the Concepts of Homeland and People among the Philippine Muslims".
 16:30-16:45 Coffee Break
 16:45-18:15 General Discussion

 Sponsored by:
 1. Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University, Section of Islamic Area Studies (SIAS). Group 2: Development of Islam in Southeast Asia.
 2. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS). Study Group on Local Cultures in the Malay World.
 3. Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University. Joint Study Group on Social Order and Relations in Muslim Populated Southeast Asia.
 4. Study Group on Jawi Documents (c/o Prof. AOYAMA, Dept. of Indonesian Studies, TUFS, http://homepage3.nifty.com/tao/jawi-study/)

 For further information:
 SIAS Secretariat: ias-iac@sophia.ac.jp, Tel & Fax: 03-3238-4447
 Part 1: midori-k@sophia.ac.jp
 Part 2: hadhramaut@aa.tufs.ac.jp
 Part 3: yama@cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp


 さまざまな人々が行き交う東南アジアのイスラーム圏では、外部 世界からもたらされた多様な思想を取り入れ、人間集団の区分概 念を発展させてきた。ここで人間集団の区分概念とは、単なる分 類のためではなく、自分たちを世界にどう位置づけ、それを通じ て為政者や権力者とどのような関係を結ぶのかという課題への取 り組みの跡でもある。バンサ、ウマット(ウンマ)、さらにジャ ウィやクラジャアンなど人間集団を示すいくつかのキーワードに 焦点を当て、これらのキーワードがそれぞれどの時代にどのよう な社会的文脈においてどのような意味を与えられたかを、植民地 化以前から独立後の時期を対象に、旧オランダ領、旧イギリス領 、旧スペイン・アメリカ領、南部タイについて検討する。

 The Islamic areas of Southeast Asia have been traversed by numerous peoples with diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, languages etc., and its residents have acquired and developed various ideas relating to the grouping of peoples, (hereafter, people-grouping concepts), through including diverse notions introduced from abroad. These people-grouping concepts are not mere frames for the classification of peoples. Rather, they demonstrate the various ways in which people of the area sought to orient themselves in the world, and the bonds they strove to nurture with those who administered and ruled. In this symposium we intend focusing on several significant terms relating to the grouping of peoples, such as bangsa, umat(umma), jawi, kerajaan and others, and thereby probe the meanings they acquired in changing periods and contexts. The symposium will deal with several cases from former Dutch, British, Spanish-American territories from the pre-colonial to the post-independence period, as well as southern Thailand.

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