
  Mathematics Colloquium
  Sophia University
  Mathematics Division
  Graduate School in Science and Technology

Colloquia are directed towards a general mathematical audience. In particular, one of the functions of these Colloquia is to inform non-specialists and graduate students about recent trends, ideas and results in some area of mathematics, or a closely related field.
Additional colloquia, titles and abstracts will be added as details become available.


  • 2016年12月16日(金) 17:15-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 16th December 2016, 17:15-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) Soma Purkait 氏 (Sophia University)
    • 講演題目(Title) Minus Space of Half-Integral Weight Forms
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年12月2日(金) 17:15-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 2nd December 2016, 17:15-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) 加藤 文元 氏 / Fumiharu Kato (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • 講演題目(Title) Henselian rigid spaces and applications
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年10月21日(金) 17:15-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 21th October 2016, 17:15-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) 田口 雄一郎 氏 / Yuichiro Taguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • 講演題目(Title) On the Hecke fields of Galois representations
    • 概要 Abstract
  • 2016年7月22日(金) 17:30-18:30, 市谷キャンパス ゼミ棟 K1
    Friday, 22th July 2016, 17:30-18:30, Room K1, Seminar Bldg. Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) 阿部 知行 氏 / Tomoyuki Abe (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo)
    • 講演題目(Title) To where does the Weil conjecture lead us?
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年7月15日(金) 17:30-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 15th July 2016, 17:30-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) Steven Lu 氏 (Université du Québec à Montréal)
    • 講演題目(Title) Hyperbolicity, ergodic complex structures and hyperkähler manifolds
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年6月24日(金) 17:30-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 24th June 2016, 17:30-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) Phan Nhat Tinh 氏 (Hue University, 上智大学 STEC / Sophia University STEC)
    • 講演題目(Title) Necessary optimality conditions for non-Lipschitz vector optimization problems with inclusion constraints
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年5月20日(金) 17:30-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 20th May 2016, 17:30-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) Geisser Thomas 氏 (立教大学, Rikkyo University)
    • 講演題目(Title) Special values of zeta-functions
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年5月20日(金) 16:00-17:00, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 20th May 2016, 16:00-17:00, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    Special Talk
    • 講演者(Speaker) Devika Sharma 氏 (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi)
    • 講演題目(Title) Modular Galois representations
    • 概要 Abstract

  • 2016年4月22日(金) 17:30-18:30, 市谷本館 201
    Friday, 22th April 2016, 17:30-18:30, Main Bldg. 201, Ichigaya Campus
    • 講演者(Speaker) 大城 佳奈子 氏 / Kanako Oshiro (上智大学, Sophia University)
    • 講演題目(Title) Symmetric quandle cocycle invariants for oriented links
    • 概要 Abstract

[Last modefied on December 26, 2016]

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Sophia University
Mathematics Division
Graduate School in Science and Technology