About FGS

SHIMOKAWA, Masatsugu

SHIMOKAWA, Masatsugu (Faculty Database
Job Title
Teaching Area
Development Economics, International Political Economy, Globalization and Poverty Issues
Career Summary

1999 Yokohama National University Graduate School, Division of International Development  (Doctor of Philosophy)

2002 began teaching at Sophia University Faculty of Foreign Studies , Department of Inernational Relations.


Rooms/Office Hours

2-611  SPR Thu. 15:25~17:05 , AUT Thu 13:30~15:10 or by appointment

Message to Students

In this age of rapid globalization, more than 700 million people worldwide live in absolute poverty, and the gap between rich and poor countries continues to widen, as does the gap between the rich and the poor within each country. It can be said that these problems of poverty and inequality, as well as many other social problems, are continuously created by the global political and economic structure.

In order to act responsibly for the future of humanity, I believe that students should be able to understand and analyze such structural mechanisms more deeply, and then work to rebuild society into one that values human beings more. I believe that the key to true development is to value people’s independence, creativity, community, and diversity, and to create a global network of local communities nurtured in this way.

I would like to think, research, and practice together with you to create a better society.

