Learning at FGS

FGS Academic Achievement Award

From 2015 we have established a new academic award program for FGS students. It is an original award program unique to FGS which differs from <Sophia University Academic Excellence Award>.

(1) Objective: By giving awards to students who have achieved excellent grades in our Faculty, we aim to encourage the awardee as well as other students in their motivation.
(2) Award Recipients: those who meet the following points.
1. A total of 32 credits or more in the applicable year (Spring/ Autumn Semester) and a GPA of 3.7 or more in the applicable year (not cumulative). The award criteria have been changed from 2018 Awards.
2. Those enrolled in both Spring and Autumn Semester in the applicable year (excluding those studying abroad or taking a leave from university).
(3) Content
1. Certificate and 5,000 JPY of gift card for books as supplementary prize.
2. Award Ceremony at September-end during Department Meeting the following year.