Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern StudiesNo.41
Considering the Social Structure of Prejudice and Discrimination from the Standpoint of Area Studies: Possibilities for University Education Beyond gIntercultural Understandingh
KUSHIMOTO Hiroko, KWON Hyangsu,gEditorfs Noteh
SAWAE Fumiko, gMaking Islamophobia Our Own Matter in Japan: A Reflection on the
Western-centric Epistemic Hierarchy and the Postcolonial Experiences of
Japan and France,h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):11-40(In Japanese).
DEGUCHI Makiko,gMaking Majority Privilege Visible: Implications for Teaching a College
Course on Positionality in Japan,h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):41-56(In Japanese).
KWON Hyangsuk, gSignifiers and Signified Regarding Zainichi, Koreans, and Japanese:
Classroom Practices to Promote the 'Reconsideration of the Gaze',h Sophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):57-78(In Japanese).
CHUNG Jihye,gPossibilities of University Education in the Age of Social Media through
the Critical Examination of Racism and Media against Koreans,hSophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):79-100(In Japanese).
KUSHIMOTO Hiroko,gDeveloping a Course to Discuss the Structure of Prejudice and
Discrimination through Islam in Southeast Asia: Concept-based
Curriculum Design to Move Beyond the Label of 'Moderate',hSophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):101-126(In Japanese).
NONAKA Yo,gPotential of an Overseas Field Study: Transcending Prejudice and
'Cross?Cultural Understanding' for Self-Transformation,hSophia Journal of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies 41(2023):127-148(In Japanese). |