Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monographs (1986) 1–168Shōmonki: The Story of Masakado’s RebellionJudith N. Rabinovitch
Monographs (1981) 1–156Tales of Samurai Honor: Buke Giri MonogatariIhara Saikaku
Monographs (1981) 1–171The Laws of the Muromachi Bakufu: Kemmu Shikimoku (1336) and Muromachi Bakufu TsuikahōKenneth A. Grossberg
Monographs (1978) 1–120Fujiwara Teika’s Hundred-Poem Sequence of the Shōji Era, 1200Robert H. Brower
Monographs (1976) 1–244Approaches to the Modern Japanese NovelKinya Tsuruta and Thomas E. Swann
Monographs (1975) 1–114101 Letters of Hideyoshi: The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi HideyoshiAdriana Boscaro
Monographs (1973) 1–178The Phonology of Eighth-Century Japanese: A Reconstruction Based upon Written RecordsRoland A. Lange
Monographs (1973) 1–133The Teachings Essential for Rebirth: A Study of Genshin’s ŌjōyōshūAllan A. Andrews
Monographs (1973) 1–205An Outline of a Theory of CivilizationYukichi Fukuzawa, David A. Dilworth and G. Cameron Hurst
Monographs (1973) 1–175The Feast of Kingship: Accession Ceremonies in Ancient JapanRobert S. Ellwood
Monographs (1973) 1–142Japanese Shrine Mergers 1906-12: State Shinto Moves to the GrassrootsWilbur M. Fridell
Monographs (1972) 1–218The Yūaikai, 1912-19: The Rise of Labor in JapanStephen S. Large
Monographs (1972) 1–130The Japanese Enthronement Ceremonies: With an Account of the Imperial RegaliaD. C. Holtom
Monographs (1972) 1–190Engi-shiki: Procedures of the Engi Era, Books VI-XFelicia Gressitt Bock
Monographs (1971) 1–112Bibliography of Translations from the Japanese into Western Languages: From the 16th Century to 1912Hide Ikehara Inada
Monographs (1971) 1–173Izumo FudokiMichiko Yamaguchi Aoki
Monographs (1971) 1–323The Function of Television for Children and AdolescentsTakeo Furu
Monographs (1971) 1–176Hōgen monogatari: Tale of the Disorder in HōgenWilliam Ritchie Wilson
Other Books (1970) 1–419Japanese Recognition of the U.S.S.R.: Soviet-Japanese Relations, 1921-1930George Alexander Lensen
Monographs (1970) 1–103The Evolution of the Concept of Matrimonial Consent in Japanese LawAugustinus Kōno Yoshisuke
Monographs (1970) 1–144Doctor on Desima: Selected Chapters from Jhr. J. L. C. Pompe van Meerdervoort’s Vijf Jaren in Japan (Five Years in Japan, 1857-1863)Elizabeth P. Wittermans and John Z. Bowers
Monographs (1970) 1–87Crisis Politics in Prewar Japan: Institutional and Ideological Problems of the 1930sGeorge Macklin Wilson
Monographs (1970) 1–214A Religious Study of the Mount Haguro Sect of Shugendō: An Example of Japanese Mountain ReligionH. Byron Earhart
Monographs (1970) 1–237From Prejudice to Tolerance: A Study of the Japanese Image of the West, 1826-1864Richard T. Chang
Monographs (1970) 1–96The New Religions of Japan: A Bibliography of Western-Language MaterialsH. Byron Earhart
Monographs (1970) 1–216Engi-shiki: Procedures of the Engi Era, Books I-VFelicia Gressitt Bock
Monographs (1970) 1–258Fundamental Problems of Philosophy: The World of Action and the Dialectical WorldKitarō Nishida and David A. Dilworth
Monographs (1970) 1–146Distinguishing the Way: BendōOgyū Sorai and Olof G. Lidin
Other Books (1969) 1–306SilenceWilliam Johnston
Monographs (1969) 1–123An Encouragement of LearningYukichi Fukuzawa
Monographs (1969) 1–287The Development of Educational Broadcasting in JapanMitoji Nishimoto
Monographs (1969) 1–310The Buddhist Philosophy of Assimilation: The Historical Development of the Honji-Suijaku TheoryAlicia Orloff Matsunaga
Monographs (1969) 1–133Hsi K’ang and His Poetical Essay on the LuteRobert Hans van Gulik
Other Books (1968) 1–190Trading under Sail off Japan, 1860-1899: The Recollections of Captain John Baxter Will, Sailing-Master and PilotGeorge Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1968) 1–215Toward an Orderly Market: An Intensive Study of Japan’s Voluntary Quota in Cotton Textile ExportsJohn Lynch
Other Books (1968) 1–294Russian Diplomatic and Consular Officials in East Asia: A Handbook of the Representatives of Tsarist Russia and the Provisional Government in China, Japan, and Korea from 1858 to 1924 and of Soviet Representatives in Japan from 1925 to 1968George Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1968) 1–296Korea and Manchuria between Russia and Japan, 1895-1904: The Observations of Sir Ernest Satow, British Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan (1895-1900) and China (1900-1906)George Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1968) 1–207Japan’s Modern Century: A Special Issue of Monumenta Nipponica Prepared in Celebration of the Centennial of the Meiji RestorationEdmund R. Skrzypczak
Other Books (1968) 1–230Japanese Diplomatic and Consular Officials in Russia: A Handbook of Japanese Representatives in Russia from 1874 to 1968George Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1968) 1–312Faces of Japan: A Photographic StudyGeorge Alexander Lensen
Monographs (1968) 1–135Religious Attitudes of Japanese Men: A Sociological SurveyFernando M. Basabe
Monographs (1968) 1–296Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought: 1862-1962, A SurveyGino K. Piovesana
Monographs (1968) 1–252Hermann Roesler and the making of the Meiji StateJohannes Siemes
Monographs (1968) 1–128A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U. S. N.Shio Sakanishi
Monographs (1968) 1–271The Lore of the Chinese LuteRobert Hans van Gulik
Other Books (1967) 1–231Sophia-I, An Economic Quarterly Model of the Japanese Economy: 1955–1965Antonio Sagrista
Other Books (1967) 1–320The Russo-Chinese WarGeorge Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1967) 1–272The d’Anethan Dispatches from Japan, 1894-1910: The Observations of Baron Albert d’Anethan, Belgian Minister Plenipotentiary and Dean of the Diplomatic CorpsGeorge Alexander Lensen