Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 77:1 (2022) 27–75Jesuit Printing and Hiragana BooksTakahiro Sasaki
MN 76:2 (2021) 329–61The Small Vehicle: The Construction of Hinayana and Japan’s Modern BuddhismStephan Kigensan Licha
MN 73:1 (2018) 27–85The Aestheticization of Korean Suffering in the Colonial Period: A Translation of Yanagi Sōetsu’s Chōsen no BijutsuPenny Bailey
MN 73:1 (2018) 63–85Korean ArtYanagi Sōetsu, Translated by Penny Bailey
MN 64:1 (2009) 53–82One Classic and Two Classical Traditions: The Recovery and Transmission of a Lost Edition of the AnalectsBenjamin A. Elman
MN 63:2 (2008) 211–38Reflections on the Meaning of Our Country: Kamo no Mabuchi’s KokuikōPeter Flueckiger
MN 62:3 (2007) 261–97Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s Foreign Policy 1398 to 1408 A.D.: A Translation from Zenrin Kokuhōki, the Cambridge ManuscriptCharlotte von Verschuer
MN 61:4 (2006) 437–57Fujiwara Seika and the Great LearningRichard Bowring
MN 60:4 (2005) 481–514Rationalizing the Orient: The “East Asia Cooperative Community” in Prewar JapanHan Jung-Sun
MN 59:4 (2004) 431–61Early Buddhist Kanshi: Court, Country, and KūkaiPaul Rouzer
MN 59:1 (2004) 35–82Living Icons: “Reizō” Myths of the Saikoku Kannon PilgrimageMark MacWilliams
MN 57:4 (2002) 413–45Japan’s Foreign Relations 1200 to 1392 A.D.: A Translation from “Zenrin Kokuhōki”Charlotte von Verschuer
MN 56:4 (2001) 521–544The Nanking Massacre: Now You See It, . . .Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
MN 55:4 (2000) 537–566Looking from Within and Without: Ancient and Medieval External RelationsCharlotte von Verschuer
MN 55:2 (2000) 199–224The Pleasure Quarters of Edo and Nanjing as Metaphor: The Records of Yu Huai and Narushima RyūhokuEmanuel Pastreich
MN 54:1 (1999) 1–39Japan’s Foreign Relations 600 to 1200 A.D.: A Translation from Zenrin KokuhōkiCharlotte von Verschuer
MN 52:4 (1997) 523–540Japanese Rule in Korea after the March First Uprising: Governor General Hasegawa’s RecommendationsRichard Devine
MN 52:1 (1997) 1–34Tokugawa Authority and Chinese Exemplars: The Teikan Zusetsu Murals of Nagoya CastleKaren M. Gerhart
MN 47:1 (1992) 1–25Opium, Expulsion, Sovereignty: China’s Lessons for Bakumatsu JapanBob Tadashi Wakabayashi
MN 46:1 (1991) 69–90Land of the Rising Sun: The Predominant East-West Axis among the Early JapaneseEdwina Palmer
MN 41:4 (1986) 415–56Carnival of the Aliens: Korean Embassies in Edo-Period Art and Popular CultureRonald P. Toby
MN 41:2 (1986) 199–219Foreign Threat and Domestic Reform: The Emergence of the Ritsuryō StateBruce L. Batten
MN 37:1 (1982) 1–28The Japanese Mission to China, 801–806Robert Borgen
MN 35:3 (1980) 257–72The Reception of Chinese Painting Models in Muromachi JapanGail Capitol Weigl
MN 30:3 (1975) 237–75East Meets East: The Soejima Mission to China, 1873Wayne C. McWilliams
MN 25:3/4 (1970) 267–301The Road to Sino-Japanese Collaboration: The Background to the Defection of Wang Ching-WeiJohn Hunter Boyle
MN 25:1/2 (1970) 155–95Japan’s Experiment in KoreaDavid Brudnoy
MN 22:3/4 (1967) 260–77The Formative Years of The Wakō, 1223–63Benjamin H. Hazard
MN 22:3/4 (1967) 482–87Present Location of the Pei-t’ang LibraryJ. S. Cummins
MN 22:1/2 (1967) 131–46The Philippine Society of JapanGrant K. Goodman
MN 21:3/4 (1966) 273–304The Ryukyuan Government Scholarship Students to China 1392–1868: Based on a Short Essay by Nakahara Zenchū, 1962Mitsugu Matsuda
MN 18:1/4 (1963) 313–28The Chinese Communists’ Role in the Spread of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident into a Full-scale WarKimitada I. Miwa
MN 15:1/2 (1959) 119–49A Biographical Study of Tz’ŭ-ênStanley Weinstein
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 195–240The Paekchŏng of Korea: A Brief Social HistoryHerbert Passin
MN 11:3 (1955) 284–316A Biography of Chu Tao-ShengWalter Liebenthal
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 81–106Harbingers of Happiness: The Door Gods of ChinaAlfred Koehn
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 47–66The Korean Problem in the Nineteenth CenturyLawrence H. Battistini
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 121–46Chinese Flower SymbolismAlfred Koehn
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 327–97The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese ThoughtWalter Liebenthal
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 242–68The Kōtaiō MonumentBoleslaw Szczesniak
MN 5:1 (1942) 214–18Japanese Sinology: Reflexions on a Recent PublicationJoseph J. Spae
MN 4:2 (1941) 622–628Die Ryūkyū-Expedition unter Shimazu IehisaR. Binkenstein
MN 4:2 (1941) 634–644Zahlwörter im Japanischen, Koreanischen und AinuJohannes Rahder
MN 4:1 (1941) 256–69Zur Frage der Ryūkyū-GesandtschaftenR. Binkenstein
MN 3:2 (1940) 554–566Okinawa-StudienR. Binkenstein
MN 3:2 (1940) 637–642Angkor, la capitale religieuse du Cambodge, et sa découverte par les Japonais aux XVIe-XVIIe sièclesHenri Bernard
MN 3:1 (1940) 321–22Stumpf Kilian, un émule allemand du Père RicciHenri Bernard
MN 1:1 (1938) 138–53Neuentdeckte japanische Jesuitendrucke im Pei-t’ang zu PekingJohannes Laures