Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 79:1 (2024) 1–31Revisiting The Soil: Nagatsuka Takashi, Rural Japan, and the Limits of the Meiji NovelTyler Walker
MN 62:2 (2007) 179–209Peasants into Citizens?: The Meiji Village in the Russo-Japanese WarSimon Partner
MN 61:2 (2006) 243–49Wildlife Management and Upland Modernity in JapanMark J. Hudson
MN 60:4 (2005) 437–79Gender in Early Classical Japan: Marriage, Leadership, and Political Status in Village and PalaceAkiko Yoshie and Janet R. Goodwin
MN 60:4 (2005) 481–514Rationalizing the Orient: The “East Asia Cooperative Community” in Prewar JapanHan Jung-Sun
MN 60:2 (2005) 235–62Images of AkutōMorten Oxenboell
MN 56:4 (2001) 487–520Taming the Wilderness: The Lifestyle Improvement Movement in Rural Japan, 1925–1965Simon Partner
MN 55:1 (2000) 45–81Elegance, Prosperity, Crisis: Three Generations of Tokugawa Village ElitesBrian W. Platt
MN 53:2 (1998) 197–223Abandoned Fields: Negotiating Taxes in the Bakufu DomainPatricia Sippel
MN 47:1 (1992) 59–76Preindustrial River Conservancy: Causes and ConsequencesConrad Totman
MN 43:3 (1988) 279–303Village Networks: Sōdai and the Sale of Edo NightsoilAnne Walthall
MN 42:2 (1987) 115–55The Mismeasure of Land: Land Surveying in the Tokugawa PeriodPhilip C. Brown
MN 41:4 (1986) 377–414Post Station and Assisting Villages: Corvée Labor and Peasant ContentionConstantine N. Vaporis
MN 41:4 (1986) 457–76Tokugawa Peasants: Win, Lose, or Draw?Conrad Totman
MN 40:3 (1985) 311–30Fragmented Estates: The Breakup of the Myō and the Decline of the Shōen SystemThomas E. Keirstead
MN 39:4 (1984) 371–92Peripheries: Rural Culture in Tokugawa JapanAnne Walthall
MN 39:3 (1984) 233–60Sexy Rice: Plant Gender, Farm Manuals, and Grass-Roots NativismJennifer Robertson
MN 39:1 (1984) 1–10Land-Use Patterns and Afforestation in the Edo PeriodConrad Totman
MN 25:3/4 (1970) 249–66Katō Kanji (1884–1965) and the Spirit of Agriculture in Modern JapanThomas R. H. Havens