Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 76:1 (2021) 69–115Nihon Gaishi Goes Global: A Translation History of a Nineteenth-Century BlockbusterRobert Tuck
MN 75:1 (2020) 45–89The Author as Protagonist: Professionalizing the Craft of the Kusazōshi WriterDavid C. Atherton
MN 74:2 (2019) 211–48Casting Spells: Combat Charms and Secret Scrolls in the Warrior Fiction of Late Medieval JapanR. Keller Kimbrough
MN 74:1 (2019) 33–57War without Blood? The Literary Uses of a Taboo Fluid in Heike MonogatariVyjayanthi R. Selinger
MN 70:2 (2015) 237–83104 Voices from Christian Nagasaki: Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its Members (February 1622) : An Analysis and TranslationReinier H. Hesselink
MN 70:2 (2015) 267–83Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its MembersReinier H. Hesselink, Translated by Reinier H. Hesselink
MN 70:1 (2015) 39–81Warrior/Monk, Demon/Saint: Humor and Parody in the Late Medieval Tale of BenkeiRoberta Strippoli
MN 69:1 (2014) 1–54A Medieval Warrior in Early Modern Japan: A Translation of the Otogizōshi Hōgan Miyako BanashiMathew W. Thompson
MN 69:1 (2014) 15–54Hōgan Miyako Banashi: The Tale of Yoshitsune in the CapitalMathew W. Thompson, Translated by Mathew W. Thompson
MN 68:1 (2013) 1–36Rewriting Murasaki: Vernacular Translation and the Reception of Genji Monogatari during the Tokugawa PeriodRebekah Clements
MN 68:1 (2013) 37–68Masamune Hakuchō Reads Genji: A Translation of “Genji Monogatari: Hon’yaku to Gensaku”Michael Emmerich
MN 68:1 (2013) 53–68Genji Monogatari: Hon’yaku to GensakuMasamune Hakuchō, Translated by Michael Emmerich
MN 67:1 (2012) 1–27Not Just Words: Shogunal Politics and the Daijōsai in Mori Ōgai’s “Saigo no ikku”Doris G. Bargen
MN 67:1 (2012) 75–131Holy Waifs! Sages Adrift in Mori Makiko’s Yellow Harlot CollectionMaryellen Toman Mori
MN 66:2 (2011) 247–80The Last Word?: Akutagawa Ryūnosuke’s “The Man from the West”Kevin M. Doak
MN 66:2 (2011) 257–80“The Man from the West” and “The Man from the West: The Sequel”Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Translated by Kevin M. Doak and J. Scott Matthews
MN 66:1 (2011) 49–97Oguri: An Early Edo Tale of Suffering, Resurrection, Revenge, and DeificationSusan Matisoff
MN 66:1 (2011) 59–97OguriTranslated by Susan Matisoff
MN 65:2 (2010) 245–96The Karmic Origins of the Great Bright Miwa Deity: A Transformation of the Sacred Mountain in Premodern JapanAnna Andreeva
MN 65:1 (2010) 137–47Domesticating Kagerō: A Love That Dares Speak Its NameJoshua S. Mostow
MN 64:2 (2009) 363–72The Latter Days of the GenjiRebekah Clements and Peter F. Kornicki
MN 64:1 (2009) 127–66Narrative Realism and the Modern Storyteller: Rereading Yanagita Kunio’s Tōno MonogatariMelek Ortabasi
MN 63:2 (2008) 211–38Reflections on the Meaning of Our Country: Kamo no Mabuchi’s KokuikōPeter Flueckiger
MN 63:2 (2008) 265–81Interview with Two Ladies of the Ōoku: A Translation from Kyūji ShimonrokuAnna Beerens
MN 63:2 (2008) 325–57Literature as Life-Form: Media and Modernism in the Literary Theory of Ōkuma NobuyukiWilliam O. Gardner
MN 63:2 (2008) 359–92Graphically Speaking: Manga Versions of The Tale of GenjiLynne K. Miyake
MN 63:1 (2008) 101–41Seeking the Strange: Ryōki and the Navigation of Normality in Interwar JapanJeffrey Angles
MN 63:1 (2008) 143–60Reading a Heian Blog: A New Translation of Makura no SōshiMachiko Midorikawa
MN 62:3 (2007) 261–97Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s Foreign Policy 1398 to 1408 A.D.: A Translation from Zenrin Kokuhōki, the Cambridge ManuscriptCharlotte von Verschuer
MN 62:3 (2007) 323–45Positioning the Observer: Interrogations of Alterity in Nagai Kafū’s Amerika MonogatariRachael Hutchinson
MN 62:3 (2007) 347–60Möbius Strip: Instances of Cultural Translation between China, Japan, and the “West”Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit
MN 62:2 (2007) 135–77Female Readers and Early Heian Romances: The Hakubyō Tales of Ise Illustrated Scroll FragmentsJoshua S. Mostow
MN 62:1 (2007) 75–86A Plan for Tasks at Hand: Aizawa Seishisai’s JimusakuDonald Keene
MN 62:1 (2007) 87–96Sendai Kuji Hongi: Authentic Myths or Forged History?Mark Teeuwen
MN 61:3 (2006) 283–338Coercive Sex in the Medieval Japanese Court: Lady Nijō’s MemoirHitomi Tonomura
MN 60:2 (2005) 147–93Unsuitable Books for Women?: Genji Monogatari and Ise Monogatari in Late Seventeenth-Century JapanPeter F. Kornicki
MN 60:1 (2005) 43–79Competing with Amida: A Study and Translation of Jōkei’s Miroku KōshikiJames L. Ford
MN 59:4 (2004) 493–524Edo-Period Tales of the Healing Jizō Bodhisattva: A Translation of “Enmei Jizōson Inkō Riyakuki”Duncan Ryūken Williams
MN 59:2 (2004) 153–77Out of the Mouths of Nurses: “The Tale of Sagoromo” and Midranks RomanceCharo B. D'Etcheverry
MN 59:2 (2004) 245–55Confucian Idealism and “The Tale of Genji”Naoaki Hiraishi
MN 58:4 (2003) 439–93A Chūshingura Palimpsest: Young Motoori Norinaga Hears the Story of the Akō Rōnin from a Buddhist PriestFederico Marcon and Henry D. Smith II
MN 58:4 (2003) 495–529Childhood Reimagined: The Memoirs of Ōgai’s ChildrenTomoko Aoyama
MN 58:2 (2003) 171–92The Scar: A Story from SeitōReiko Abe Auestad
MN 58:2 (2003) 193–222Coming to Terms with the Alien: Translations of “Genji Monogatari”Machiko Midorikawa
MN 58:1 (2003) 43–78Terms of Understanding: The Shōsetsu according to Tayama KataiMatthew Fraleigh
MN 57:4 (2002) 413–45Japan’s Foreign Relations 1200 to 1392 A.D.: A Translation from “Zenrin Kokuhōki”Charlotte von Verschuer
MN 57:4 (2002) 447–71Journeys, Pilgrimages, Excursions: Religious Travels in the Early Modern PeriodLaura Nenzi and Toshikazu Shinno
MN 57:3 (2002) 309–37The Unfinished Cartography: Murakami Haruki and the Postmodern Cognitive MapChiyoko Kawakami