Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 72:2 (2017) 223–64A Parody in the Ruins: A Translation of Irisawa Yasuo’s Waga Izumo, Waga Chinkon (Part 2)Scott Mehl, Translated by Scott Mehl, Original by Yasuo Irisawa
MN 72:2 (2017) 225–64My Izumo, My Requiem (Part 2)Yasuo Irisawa, Translated by Scott Mehl
MN 72:1 (2017) 31–70A Parody in the Ruins: A Translation of Irisawa Yasuo’s Waga Izumo, Waga Chinkon (Part 1)Scott Mehl
MN 72:1 (2017) 51–70My Izumo, My Requiem (Part 1)Scott Mehl, Translated by Scott Mehl, Original by Yasuo Irisawa
MN 69:2 (2014) 221–54Japan’s Inca Boom: Global Archaeology and the Making of a Postwar NationMiriam L. Kingsberg Kadia
MN 67:1 (2012) 75–131Holy Waifs! Sages Adrift in Mori Makiko’s Yellow Harlot CollectionMaryellen Toman Mori
MN 67:1 (2012) 133–57Cultural Nationalism in Japanese Neo-New Religions: A Comparative Study of Mahikari and Kōfuku no KagakuHotaka Tsukada and Gaynor Sekimori
MN 66:2 (2011) 281–318Japan’s “Nationality Clause” and the Changing Dynamics of Center-Local PoliticsKate Dunlop
MN 65:1 (2010) 89–136How Yasukuni Shrine Survived the Occupation: A Critical Examination of Popular ClaimsMark R. Mullins
MN 61:4 (2006) 521–549The Prewar Roots of “Equality of Opportunity”: Japanese Educational Ideals in the Twentieth CenturyHans Martin Krämer
MN 58:3 (2003) 347–96Oil Painting in Postsurrender Japan: Reconstructing Subjectivity through Deformation of the BodyBert Winther-Tamaki
MN 58:2 (2003) 223–58Comfort Women: Beyond Litigious FeminismBob Tadashi Wakabayashi
MN 56:4 (2001) 521–544The Nanking Massacre: Now You See It, . . .Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
MN 56:2 (2001) 239–54The Anatomy of an Age: Interpretations of Modern History in Postwar Germany and JapanKlaus Vollmer
MN 56:1 (2001) 39–91Civil Administration on South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, 1945–1948: The Memoirs of Dmitrii N. KriukovMariya Sevela
MN 54:4 (1999) 521–528War, Memory, Literature: Does Comparison Make Sense?Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit
MN 45:3 (1990) 339–52Toward a History of Twentieth-Century JapanSheldon Garon
MN 36:3 (1981) 317–28The Occupation of Japan as History: Some Recent ResearchRay A. Moore
MN 26:3/4 (1971) 415–29Generational Differences in Values and Attitudes Between Japanese College Students and their Fathers, with some Implications for Historical Change of ValuesTsuyoshi Kato
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 113–36Buddhism in Postwar Japan: A Critical SurveyMinoru Kiyota
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 137–68Philosophy in present-day JapanFrancisco Pérez Ruiz
Monographs (1968) 1–296Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought: 1862-1962, A SurveyGino K. Piovesana
Other Books (1967) 1–231Sophia-I, An Economic Quarterly Model of the Japanese Economy: 1955–1965Antonio Sagrista
MN 21:3/4 (1966) 346–53Perspectives on Japanese Foreign PolicyDouglas H. Mendel, Jr.
Monographs (1965) 1–191Higher Education in Postwar Japan: The Ministry of Education’s 1964 White PaperJohn E. Blewett
MN 18:1/4 (1963) 236–60Interfirm Wage Differentials in Postwar JapanE. Nagasawa and M. Sakurabayashi
MN 12:1/2 (1956) 105–19The Japanese Legal System 1945–1955: Changes in RetrospectSakae Wagatsuma
MN 11:1 (1955) 1–14New Religions in Postwar JapanWilhelm Schiffer