Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 77:1 (2022) 27–75Jesuit Printing and Hiragana BooksTakahiro Sasaki
MN 76:1 (2021) 69–115Nihon Gaishi Goes Global: A Translation History of a Nineteenth-Century BlockbusterRobert Tuck
MN 57:1 (2002) 43–71Oratory in Meiji and Taishō Japan: Public Speaking and the Formation of a New Written LanguageMassimiliano Tomasi
MN 54:3 (1999) 387–93Mastering HentaiganaAileen Gatten
MN 54:3 (1999) 333–60Quest for a New Written Language: Western Rhetoric and the Genbun Itchi MovementMassimiliano Tomasi
MN 49:4 (1994) 471–87Japanese Shorthand and SokkibonJ. Scott Miller
MN 45:4 (1990) 391–411The Very Idea: The Notion of Ideogram in China and JapanJ. Marshall Unger
MN 43:4 (1988) 429–54Standardizing Written Japanese: A Factor in ModernizationNanette Twine
MN 38:2 (1983) 115–32Toward Simplicity: Script Reform Movements in the Meiji PeriodNanette Twine
MN 36:3 (1981) 335–40On Linguistic DowsingGuenther Wenck
MN 33:3 (1978) 333–56The Genbunitchi Movement: Its Origin, Development, and ConclusionNanette Twine
MN 32:3 (1977) 377–87Martin on JapaneseGerald B. Mathias
MN 32:1 (1977) 75–86Copious without Order, Energetick without Rules’: Dr Johnson and the Present State of Japanese: Reflections on the New Nihon Kokugo Dai-JitenShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 30:3 (1975) 277–89The Well of Japanese Undefiled: João Rodrigues’ Advice on How to Study JapaneseJoseph F. Moran
MN 29:1 (1974) 93–102The Origins of JapaneseRoy Andrew Miller
MN 21:1/2 (1966) 97–113Intra-Familial Linguistic Usage in JapanHerbert Passin
Monographs (1965) 1–169A Dialect Grammar of JapaneseYoichi Fujiwara
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 221–28A Descriptive-Comparative Note on Verb Transitivity in English and JapaneseIkuo Koike
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 243–53The Introduction of Dutch LanguageJirō Numata
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 469–75Japanese Language for BeginnersFederico Lanzaco
MN 19:1/2 (1964) 130–62Cessationals in the Japanese DialectsYoichi Fujiwara
MN 18:1/4 (1963) 147–90A Dialect Grammar of Japanese —190Yoichi Fujiwara
MN 17:1/4 (1962) 126–59A Dialect Grammar of JapaneseYoichi Fujiwara
MN 17:1/4 (1962) 329–39Peut-on expliquer le chinois par le japonais?Jos. L. M. Mullie
MN 16:1/2 (1960) 1–52Early Japanese LexicographyDon Clifford Bailey
MN 15:1/2 (1959) 150–75Textkritische Untersuchungen zum Daidōruijuhō (Part 4)Otto Karow
MN 14:3/4 (1958) 247–76A Dialect-geographical Study of the Japanese Accents in Chiba PrefectureWillem A. Grootaers
MN 14:1/2 (1958) 119–52Textkritische Untersuchungen zum Daidōruijuhō (Part 3)Otto Karow
MN 14:1/2 (1958) 153–72Les Caractères [zhe], [zhi]…[ye], et [suo]. Réponse à M. J. L. Pierson (Part 2)Jos. L. M. Mullie
MN 13:3/4 (1957) 247–83Les Caractères [zhe], [zhi]…[ye], et [suo]. Réponse à M. J. L. Pierson (Part 1)Jos. L. M. Mullie
MN 13:3/4 (1957) 284–312Textkritische Untersuchungen zum Daidōruijuhō (Part 2)Otto Karow
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 83–100Textkritische Untersuchungen zum Daidōruijuhō (Part 1)Otto Karow
Monographs (1956) 1–73Etymological Vocabulary of Japanese, Korean, and AinuJohannes Rahder
MN 11:4 (1956) 425–45The Characters [zhe], [zhi] … [ye] and [suo] (Part 2)J. L. Pierson
MN 11:1 (1955) 15–43The Characters [zhe], [zhi] … [ye] and [suo]: Their Part in the Structure of Japanese and Chinese Sentences (Part 1)J. L. Pierson
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 45–64Das Daidōruijuhō und die KokugakuFriedrich Weller and Otto Karow
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 127–68Comparative Treatment of the Japanese Language (Part 4)Johannes Rahder
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 169–92Caceria de Refranes en el “Vocabulario da Lingoa de Japam”Jose Luis Alvarez-Taladriz
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 193–202Chinese Characters (Part 3)Jōken Katō
MN 9:1/2 (1953) 155–98Daidōruijuhō: Klassifizierte Rezepte der Daidōperoide (806–810): Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Textes und seiner Kritik durch die KokugakugelehrtenOtto Karow
MN 9:1/2 (1953) 199–257Comparative Treatment of the Japanese Language (Part 3)Johannes Rahder
MN 9:1/2 (1953) 258–76Chinese Characters (Part 2)Jōken Katō
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 193–229Chinese Characters (Part 1)Jōken Katō
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 230–38Tōyō Kanji: The Story of Modern Japanese CharactersMax v. Küenburg
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 239–88Comparative Treatment of the Japanese Language (Part 2)Johannes Rahder
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 156–97Die Wörterbücher der Heianzeit und ihre Bedeutung für die japanische Sprachgeschichte. Teil I. Das Wamyōruijushō des Minamoto no ShitagauOtto Karow
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 198–208Comparative Treatment of the Japanese Language (Part 1)Johannes Rahder
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 209–18The Structure of the Japanese Sentence in the 7th Century and the Functions of the Case-Particles no, ga and vaJ. L. Pierson