Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 71:1 (2016) 83–117Orthodox Finance and “The Dictates of Practical Expediency”: Influences on Matsukata Masayoshi and the Financial Reform of 1881–1885Steven J. Ericson
MN 70:1 (2015) 1–38Disaster in the Making: Taira no Kiyomori’s Move of the Capital to FukuharaHaruko Wakabayashi
MN 69:1 (2014) 55–101Benevolence, Charity, and Duty: Urban Relief and Domain Society during the Tenmei FamineMaren Ehlers
MN 68:1 (2013) 69–77Translating the Corpus of Ancient Japanese LawHerman Ooms
MN 68:1 (2013) 79–88Of Allochthons and Alibis: Otherworldly Ideologies in Seventh- and Eighth-Century JapanDavid B. Lurie
MN 67:2 (2012) 239–62Conflating Monastic and Imperial Lineage: The Retired Emperors’ Period ReformulatedMikael Bauer
MN 67:2 (2012) 283–327(The Other) Yoshida Shigeru and the Expansion of Bureaucratic Power in Prewar JapanRoger H. Brown
MN 67:1 (2012) 1–27Not Just Words: Shogunal Politics and the Daijōsai in Mori Ōgai’s “Saigo no ikku”Doris G. Bargen
MN 66:2 (2011) 281–318Japan’s “Nationality Clause” and the Changing Dynamics of Center-Local PoliticsKate Dunlop
MN 63:2 (2008) 265–81Interview with Two Ladies of the Ōoku: A Translation from Kyūji ShimonrokuAnna Beerens
MN 62:3 (2007) 261–97Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s Foreign Policy 1398 to 1408 A.D.: A Translation from Zenrin Kokuhōki, the Cambridge ManuscriptCharlotte von Verschuer
MN 62:2 (2007) 179–209Peasants into Citizens?: The Meiji Village in the Russo-Japanese WarSimon Partner
MN 61:2 (2006) 243–49Wildlife Management and Upland Modernity in JapanMark J. Hudson
MN 60:4 (2005) 437–79Gender in Early Classical Japan: Marriage, Leadership, and Political Status in Village and PalaceAkiko Yoshie and Janet R. Goodwin
MN 60:2 (2005) 235–62Images of AkutōMorten Oxenboell
MN 60:1 (2005) 81–110Local Officials and the Meiji Conscription CampaignHiroko Rokuhara
MN 59:4 (2004) 463–92Slavery in Medieval JapanThomas Nelson
MN 58:3 (2003) 293–315Confucian Perspectives on the Akō Revenge: Law and Moral AgencyJames McMullen
MN 58:2 (2003) 149–70The Akō Incident, 1701–1703Masahide Bitō and Henry D. Smith II
MN 58:2 (2003) 223–58Comfort Women: Beyond Litigious FeminismBob Tadashi Wakabayashi
MN 56:3 (2001) 349–80The Guild of the Blind in Tokugawa JapanGerald Groemer
MN 56:2 (2001) 197–237Rescuing the Nation from History: The State of the State in Early Modern JapanRonald P. Toby
MN 56:1 (2001) 39–91Civil Administration on South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, 1945–1948: The Memoirs of Dmitrii N. KriukovMariya Sevela
MN 55:3 (2000) 369–98Interview with a Bakumatsu Official: A Translation from Kyūji Shimonroku (Part 1)Anna Beerens
MN 55:1 (2000) 45–81Elegance, Prosperity, Crisis: Three Generations of Tokugawa Village ElitesBrian W. Platt
MN 53:2 (1998) 197–223Abandoned Fields: Negotiating Taxes in the Bakufu DomainPatricia Sippel
MN 51:4 (1996) 407–29The Imperial Oath of April 1868: Ritual, Politics, and Power in the RestorationJohn Breen
MN 50:2 (1995) 137–70Off with Their Heads! The Hirata Disciples and the Ashikaga ShogunsAnne Walthall
MN 49:4 (1994) 413–21The British Model: Inoue Kowashi and the Ideal Monarchical SystemGeorge Akita and Yoshihiro Hirose
MN 49:1 (1994) 1–29Hitachi no Kuni FudokiMark C. Funke
MN 47:2 (1992) 163–202Bonshōgatsu: Festivals and State Power in KanazawaJames L. McClain
MN 47:1 (1992) 59–76Preindustrial River Conservancy: Causes and ConsequencesConrad Totman
MN 46:3 (1991) 293–327Engrafted System: Mori Arinori’s Representation ProposalsReinhard Zöllner
MN 44:2 (1989) 199–219Persecuted Patriot: Watanabe Kazan and the Tokugawa BakufuBonnie Abiko
MN 42:2 (1987) 115–55The Mismeasure of Land: Land Surveying in the Tokugawa PeriodPhilip C. Brown
MN 41:4 (1986) 377–414Post Station and Assisting Villages: Corvée Labor and Peasant ContentionConstantine N. Vaporis
MN 41:3 (1986) 299–330The Samurai Disestablished: Abei Iwane and His StipendGeorge Akita and Masatoshi Sakeda
MN 40:3 (1985) 311–30Fragmented Estates: The Breakup of the Myō and the Decline of the Shōen SystemThomas E. Keirstead
MN 37:1 (1982) 41–76The Kaneko Correspondence (Part 1)James Kanda and William A. Gifford
MN 36:4 (1981) 391–423The Yamagata-Tokutomi Correspondence: Press and Politics in Meiji-Taishō JapanGeorge Akita and Takashi Itō
Monographs (1981) 1–171The Laws of the Muromachi Bakufu: Kemmu Shikimoku (1336) and Muromachi Bakufu TsuikahōKenneth A. Grossberg
MN 36:3 (1981) 299–316Against the Restoration: Katsu Kaishū’s Attempt to Reinstate the Tokugawa FamilyM. William Steele
MN 36:2 (1981) 173–86Apologia pro Vita Sua: Arai Hakuseki’s AutobiographyKate Wildman-Nakai
MN 36:2 (1981) 187–93Public Official or Feudal Lord?Mary Elizabeth Berry
MN 34:4 (1979) 467–78Councillor Defended: Matsukage Nikki and Yanagisawa YoshiyasuBeatrice Bodart-Bailey
MN 34:1 (1979) 49–72The Way of the King: An Early Meiji Essay on GovernmentRichard Devine
MN 34:1 (1979) 73–99Ōyama Estate and Insei Land PoliciesElizabeth Sato
MN 33:4 (1978) 379–405Methods of Land Transfer in Medieval JapanJames Kanda