Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 77:1 (2022) 27–75Jesuit Printing and Hiragana BooksTakahiro Sasaki
MN 76:2 (2021) 329–61The Small Vehicle: The Construction of Hinayana and Japan’s Modern BuddhismStephan Kigensan Licha
MN 76:1 (2021) 69–115Nihon Gaishi Goes Global: A Translation History of a Nineteenth-Century BlockbusterRobert Tuck
MN 70:2 (2015) 237–83104 Voices from Christian Nagasaki: Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its Members (February 1622) : An Analysis and TranslationReinier H. Hesselink
MN 70:2 (2015) 267–83Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its MembersReinier H. Hesselink, Translated by Reinier H. Hesselink
MN 70:1 (2015) 83–122Shipwrecks and Flotsam: The Foreign World in Edo-Period TosaLuke S. Roberts
MN 68:2 (2013) 207–31Commemorating Failure: The Four Hundredth Anniversary of England’s Trading Outpost in JapanAdam Clulow
MN 66:1 (2011) 99–122King Willem II’s 1844 Letter to the Shogun: “Recommendation to Open the Country”Adam Clulow and Fuyuko Matsukata
MN 65:1 (2010) 1–35From Global Entrepôt to Early Modern Domain: Hirado, 1609–1641Adam Clulow
MN 65:1 (2010) 37–88Meiji Kyoto Textile Art and TakashimayaHiroko T. McDermott
MN 62:3 (2007) 347–60Möbius Strip: Instances of Cultural Translation between China, Japan, and the “West”Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit
MN 61:2 (2006) 193–218The God of Wealth in Western Garb: Kawanabe Kyōsai’s Portrait of Edoardo Chiossone as DaikokutenDonatella Failla
MN 60:4 (2005) 515–523A New Guide to an Old SourceReinier H. Hesselink
MN 59:4 (2004) 463–92Slavery in Medieval JapanThomas Nelson
MN 59:1 (2004) 83–119An Extraordinary Odyssey: The Iwakura Embassy TranslatedF. G. Notehelfer, Igor R. Saveliev and W. F. Vande Walle
MN 56:3 (2001) 381–95Literacy Revisited: Some Reflections on Richard Rubinger’s FindingsPeter F. Kornicki
MN 55:4 (2000) 579–591Julius Klaproth and His WorksPeter F. Kornicki
MN 55:1 (2000) 109–20His Story of Japan: Engelbert Kaempfer’s Manuscript in a New TranslationWolfgang Michel
MN 53:3 (1998) 335–58Tokugawa Translations of Dutch Legal TextsF. B. Verwayen
MN 50:4 (1995) 537–550Nikolai of JapanEvgeny Steiner
MN 49:3 (1994) 331–51The Assassination of Henry HeuskenReinier H. Hesselink
MN 47:2 (1992) 265–72The Brits in JapanMichael Cooper
MN 46:1 (1991) 91–103Japanese Castaways and British InterpretersW. G. Beasley
MN 45:2 (1990) 189–205The Japonian Charters: The English and Dutch ShuinjōDerek Massarella and Izumi K. Tytler
MN 43:1 (1988) 1–33Kaempfer Restor’dBeatrice M. Bodart Bailey
MN 39:2 (1984) 147–61The Pestilently Active Minister: Dr Willis’s Comments on Sir Harry ParkesHugh Cortazzi
MN 39:1 (1984) 55–81Japan Discovers Australia: The Emergence of Australia in the Japanese World-View, 1540s–1900Henry Frei
MN 35:1 (1980) 1–19From Sakoku to Kaikoku: The Transformation of Foreign-Policy Attitudes, 1853–1868Conrad Totman
MN 34:4 (1979) 383–407The Bakufu Looks Abroad: The 1865 Mission to FranceMark D. Ericson
MN 32:3 (1977) 347–64De Coningh on Deshima: Mijn Verblijf in Japan, 1856Huibert Paul
MN 31:4 (1976) 417–30The Nippo JishoMichael Cooper
MN 29:4 (1974) 415–38The Selling of Japan: Japanese Manipulation of Western Opinion, 1900–1905Robert B. Valliant
MN 29:3 (1974) 305–27Bakumatsu Foreign EmployeesH. J. Jones
MN 29:2 (1974) 163–79Thunberg in Japan and His Flora Japonica in JapaneseRichard C. Rudolph
MN 29:1 (1974) 1–54The Case of Christovão FerreiraHubert Cieslik
MN 28:1 (1973) 3–67The Western Education of Kume Kunitake, 1871–6Marlene J. Mayo
MN 27:4 (1972) 423–33The Mechanics of the Macao-Nagasaki Silk TradeMichael Cooper
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 55–75The Muse Described: João Rodrigues’ Account of Japanese PoetryMichael Cooper
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 77–114Mori Ōgai in Germany: A Translation of Fumizukai and Excerpts from Doitsu NikkiKaren Brazell
MN 25:3/4 (1970) 303–23The Founding of the Port of Nagasaki and its Cession to the Society of JesusDiego Pacheco
MN 24:4 (1969) 373–92General Grant’s 1879 Visit to JapanRichard T. Chang
MN 24:3 (1969) 259–72The Sources of English Liberal Concepts in Early Meiji JapanMikiso Hane
Other Books (1968) 1–294Russian Diplomatic and Consular Officials in East Asia: A Handbook of the Representatives of Tsarist Russia and the Provisional Government in China, Japan, and Korea from 1858 to 1924 and of Soviet Representatives in Japan from 1925 to 1968George Alexander Lensen
Other Books (1968) 1–230Japanese Diplomatic and Consular Officials in Russia: A Handbook of Japanese Representatives in Russia from 1874 to 1968George Alexander Lensen
Monographs (1968) 1–128A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston, U. S. N.Shio Sakanishi
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 9–30The Formulation of the Meiji Government Policy Toward the employment of foreignersHazel J. Jones
MN 22:1/2 (1967) 162–76Western Influences in the Japanese Art SongTheodore Hoffman
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 64–80Lighthouses and the Yatoi Experience of R. H. BruntonKieran M. Rohan