Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 79:1 (2024) 33–82Overcoming Modernity, Exonerating Empire: Yoshimitsu Yoshihiko and the Ironies of Early Shōwa CatholicismChristopher T. Lough
MN 76:1 (2021) 1–68The Tragedy of Quabacondono: An Elizabethan Account of the Last Days of Toyotomi HidetsugiLiam Matthew Brockey and Jurgis Saulius Algirdas Elisonas
MN 76:1 (2021) 117–62A Pernicious Gang: Ōshio Chūsai and the Prosecution of Heretics in Late Tokugawa JapanJames McMullen
MN 70:2 (2015) 237–83104 Voices from Christian Nagasaki: Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its Members (February 1622) : An Analysis and TranslationReinier H. Hesselink
MN 70:2 (2015) 267–83Document of the Rosario Brotherhood of Nagasaki with the Signatures of Its MembersReinier H. Hesselink, Translated by Reinier H. Hesselink
MN 66:2 (2011) 247–80The Last Word?: Akutagawa Ryūnosuke’s “The Man from the West”Kevin M. Doak
MN 66:2 (2011) 257–80“The Man from the West” and “The Man from the West: The Sequel”Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Translated by Kevin M. Doak and J. Scott Matthews
MN 65:1 (2010) 149–95Confucianism, Christianity, and Heterodoxy in Tokugawa JapanJames McMullen
MN 50:4 (1995) 537–550Nikolai of JapanEvgeny Steiner
MN 50:2 (1995) 171–88Mass or Matsuri?: The Oyashiki-sama Ceremony on IkitsukiStephen Turnbull
MN 47:3 (1992) 369–87Religion Concealed: The Kakure Kirishitan on NarushimaChristal Whelan
MN 43:1 (1988) 95–100Tribute to a Teacher: Uchimura Kanzō’s Letter to William Smith ClarkJanet E. Goff
MN 38:4 (1983) 377–86James I and JapanDerek Massarella
MN 36:1 (1981) 37–54Hirata Atsutane and Christian SourcesRichard Devine
MN 29:4 (1974) 477–80Xavier and TanegashimaDiego Pacheco
MN 29:1 (1974) 1–54The Case of Christovão FerreiraHubert Cieslik
MN 26:3/4 (1971) 431–43Diogo de Mesquita, S. J. and the Jesuit Mission PressDiego Pacheco
MN 25:3/4 (1970) 303–23The Founding of the Port of Nagasaki and its Cession to the Society of JesusDiego Pacheco
MN 21:3/4 (1966) 266–72Yokoi Shōnan’s View of ChristianityRichard T. Chang
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 456–65Research on the 1593 Jesuit Mission Press Edition of Esop’s FablesRichard L. Spear
MN 17:1/4 (1962) 214–64The Rakuyōshū (Part 2)Don Clifford Bailey
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 289–376The Rakuyōshū (Part 1)Don Clifford Bailey
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 395–401Armaduras Japonesas en la Real Armería de MadridKiichi Matsuda
MN 16:1/2 (1960) 118–60Un Documento Inédito del P.G. Vázquez (1549–1604) sobre los Problemas Morales del JapónJesús López Gay
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 350–79La Primera Biblioteca de los Jesuitas en el Japón (1556): Su contenido y su influenciaJesús López Gay
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 380–414Die Kirche von ChikugoJohannes Laures
MN 15:1/2 (1959) 35–86P. Pedro Kasui (1587–1639): Der letzte japanische Jesuit der Tokugawa-ZeitHubert Cieslik
MN 15:1/2 (1959) 176–77A Copy of Bonifacii Christiani Pueri Institutio in CopenhagenJohn Peterson
Monographs (1957) 1–536Kirishitan Bunko: A Manual of Books and Documents on the Early Christian Mission in JapanJohannes Laures
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 163–65The Jesuit Mission Press in JapanJohannes Laures
MN 11:2 (1955) 185–94Revisions in the Rakuyōshū at the Time of Its Printing in 1598Joseph K. Yamagiwa
MN 11:2 (1955) 214Second Supplement to Kirishitan BunkoJohannes Laures
Monographs (1954) 1–346Sumario de las cosas de Japon (1583)Alejandro Valignano, S. J. Edited and Jose Luis Alvarez-Taladriz
MN 10:1/2 (1954) 1–44The Great Martyrdom in Edo 1623: Its Causes, Course, ConsequencesHubert Cieslik
MN 8:1/2 (1952) 407–11Notes on the Death of Ninshitsu, Xavier’s Bonze FriendJohannes Laures
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 84–101Die Zahl der Christen und Martyrer im alten JapanJohannes Laures
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 102–55Die Goningumi im Dienste der ChristenüberwachungHubert Cieslik
MN 7:1/2 (1951) 269–99Second Supplement to Kirishitan BunkoJohannes Laures
Monographs (1950) 1–54Nobunaga und das ChristentumJohannes Laures
MN 6:1/2 (1943) 13–51Nanbanji-Romane der Tokugawa-ZeitHubert Cieslik
MN 6:1/2 (1943) 233–44Were the Takayamas and Naitos involved in Hideyori’s Plot?Johannes Laures
MN 6:1/2 (1943) 370–74The Jesuit Seminary of AzuchiNaojirō Murakami
MN 6:1/2 (1943) 375–90Ignatianische Exerzitien im frühchristlichen JapanJosef Franz Schütte
MN 5:2 (1942) 523–535The Panegyric of Alexander Valignano, S.J.J. M. Braga
MN 5:1 (1942) 86–112Takayama Ukon: A Critical EssayJohannes Laures
MN 5:1 (1942) 219–24An Old Church Calendar in JapaneseNaojirō Murakami
MN 5:1 (1942) 225–33Irmão Lourenço, the First Japanese Lay-Brother of the Society of Jesus and his LetterArimichi Ebisawa
MN 5:1 (1942) 234–43Doctrina en dix Articles et Doctrina en onze ArticlesPierre Humbertclaude