Monumenta Nipponica Volume 36, Number 3, 1981
MN 36:3 (1981) 235–84Edo Architecture and Tokugawa LawWilliam H. Coaldrake
MN 36:3 (1981) 285–98The Two Shizukas: Zeami’s Futari ShizukaJacqueline Mueller
MN 36:3 (1981) 299–316Against the Restoration: Katsu Kaishū’s Attempt to Reinstate the Tokugawa FamilyM. William Steele
MN 36:3 (1981) 317–28The Occupation of Japan as History: Some Recent ResearchRay A. Moore
MN 36:3 (1981) 329–34New Religions for OldH. Byron Earhart
MN 36:3 (1981) 335–40On Linguistic DowsingGuenther Wenck
MN 36:3 (1981) 341–43The Poetic Memoirs of Lady Daibu by Phillip Tudor HarriesKenneth L. Richard
MN 36:3 (1981) 344–47Japan Before Tokugawa: Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500 to 1650 by John Whitney Hall, Nagahara Keiji, Kozo YamamuraConrad Totman
MN 36:3 (1981) 347–48Japan and Its World: Two Centuries of Change by Marius B. JansenAkira Iriye
MN 36:3 (1981) 349–50Schooldays in Imperial Japan: A Study in the Culture of a Student Elite by Donald T. RodenAnn Waswo
MN 36:3 (1981) 351–53Japan’s Commission on the Constitution: The Final Report by John M. MakiTheodore McNelly
MN 36:3 (1981) 353–55Record of Things Heard from the Treasury of the Eye of the True Teaching: The Shōbōgenzō-zuimonki, talks of Zen master Dōgen, as recorded by Zen master Ejō by Thomas ClearyT. James Kodera
MN 36:3 (1981) 355–57Kabuki Encyclopedia: An English-Language Adaptation of Kabuki Jiten by Samuel L. LeiterAndrew T. Tsubaki
MN 36:3 (1981) 358–60Journey of the Three Jewels: Japanese Buddhist Paintings from Western Collections by John M. Rosenfield, Elizabeth ten GrotenhuisYasushi Egami
MN 36:3 (1981) 360–61Mountain Storm, Pine Breeze: Folk Song in Japan by Patia R. IsakuFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 36:3 (1981) 361–62Japanese Prints Today: Tradition with Innovation by Margaret K. Johnson, Dale K. HiltonRonald G. Robertson
MN 36:3 (1981) 363–64Mélanges offerts à M. Charles Haguenauer en l’honneur de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire. Études japonaises by L’Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises du Collège de FranceMichael Cooper
MN 36:3 (1981) 365–66CorrespondenceStanleigh H. Jones