Monumenta Nipponica Volume 35, Number 2, 1980
MN 35:2 (1980) 127–51Chigo Monogatari: Love Stories or Buddhist Sermons?Margaret H. Childs
MN 35:2 (1980) 153–97Kyakuraika: Zeami’s Final Legacy for the Master ActorMark J. Nearman
MN 35:2 (1980) 199–221The Audience Evaluated: Shikitei Samba’s Kyakusha HyōbankiJacob Raz
MN 35:2 (1980) 223–39Ōgai’s Craft: Literary Techniques and Themes in Vita SexualisYoshiyuki Nakai
MN 35:2 (1980) 241–43The Shiga Hero by William F. SibleyStephen W. Kohl
MN 35:2 (1980) 243–44Ishikawa Takuboku by Yukihito HijiyaJanine Beichman-Yamamoto
MN 35:2 (1980) 245–47The Moon in the Water: Understanding Tanizaki, Kawabata, and Mishima by Gwenn Boardman PetersenRobert Rolf
MN 35:2 (1980) 247–49The Art of Kabuki: Famous Plays in Performance by Samuel L. LeiterTed T. Takaya
MN 35:2 (1980) 249–53Japan’s First Bureaucracy: A Study of Eighth-Century Government by Richard J. MillerG. Cameron Hurst
MN 35:2 (1980) 253–54As We Saw Them: The First Japanese Embassy to the United States (1860) by Masao MiyoshiGrant K. Goodman
MN 35:2 (1980) 254–55Cahiers d’études et de documents sur les religions du Japon. Volume I by Centre d’études sur les religions et traditions populaires du JaponPaul Rietsch
MN 35:2 (1980) 255–56General Index, Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art by Richard BirdMichael Cooper