Monumenta Nipponica Volume 35, Number 1, 1980
MN 35:1 (1980) 1–19From Sakoku to Kaikoku: The Transformation of Foreign-Policy Attitudes, 1853–1868Conrad Totman
MN 35:1 (1980) 21–43The House-bound Heart: The Prose-poetry Genre of Japanese Narrative IllustrationPenelope E. Mason
MN 35:1 (1980) 45–75Mirror for Women: Mujū Ichien’s Tsuma KagamiRobert E. Morrell
MN 35:1 (1980) 89–98Concrete Discourse, Manifest Metaphor, and the Tokugawa Intellectual ParadigmHarold Bolitho
MN 35:1 (1980) 99–106Mori Ōgai: The State of the FieldYoshiyuki Nakai
MN 35:1 (1980) 107–109The Human Comedy of Heian Japan: A Study of the Secular Stories in the Twelfth-Century Collection of Tales, Konjaku Monogatarishū by Hiroko KobayashiMarian Ury
MN 35:1 (1980) 109–10Some Japanese Portraits by Donald KeeneJames T. Araki
MN 35:1 (1980) 111–13Modern Japanese Fiction and Its Traditions. An Introduction by J. Thomas RimerLawrence Rogers
MN 35:1 (1980) 113–15Kutani Ware by Sensaku Nakagawa, John BesterJohanna Becker
MN 35:1 (1980) 115–18An Outline of Japanese Economic History, 1603–1940. Major Works and Research Findings by Mikio Sumiya, Koji TairaWilliam B. Hauser
MN 35:1 (1980) 118–19Women Workers in the Japanese Cotton Mills: 1880–1920 by Yasue Aoki KiddPatricia G. Steinhoff
MN 35:1 (1980) 119–21The Japanese Company by Rodney ClarkW. Mark Fruin
MN 35:1 (1980) 121–24The Value of Children. A Cross-National Study. Volume Six: Japan by Toshio IritaniGail Lee Bernstein
MN 35:1 (1980) 124–25European Studies on Japan by Ian Nish, Charles DunnMichael Cooper