Monumenta Nipponica Volume 31, Number 2, 1976
MN 31:2 (1976) 113–43Tales of the Compassionate Kannon: The Hasedera Kannon GenkiYoshiko Kurata Dykstra
MN 31:2 (1976) 145–64Rules for Poetic Elegance: Fujiwara no Kintō’s Shinsen Zuinō & Waka KuhonNicholas J. Teele
MN 31:2 (1976) 165–78In Search of Yanagita KunioShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 31:2 (1976) 179–87The Bridge to the Other World: Shamans and Shamanism in JapanH. Byron Earhart
MN 31:2 (1976) 189–98Leonardo or Proteus? The Art and Character of Shiba KōkanDavid Waterhouse
MN 31:2 (1976) 199–201Japanese Literature in Chinese. Volume I: Poetry & Prose in Chinese by Japanese Writers of the Early Period by Burton WatsonMarian Ury
MN 31:2 (1976) 201–202The Development of Realism in the Fiction of Tsubouchi Shōyō by Marleigh Grayer RyanEdward Seidensticker
MN 31:2 (1976) 203–204Guide to Japanese Prose by Alfred H. Marks, Barry D. BortRichard Bowring
MN 31:2 (1976) 204–205Language in Japanese Society. Current Issues in Sociolinguistics by Fred C. C. PengP. G. O’Neill
MN 31:2 (1976) 206–207The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan by Ivan MorrisRichard Storry
MN 31:2 (1976) 207–209Fifty Years of Light and Dark, The Hirohito Era by The Staff of The Mainichi Daily NewsBen-Ami Shillony
MN 31:2 (1976) 209–12Japan’s Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in World War II: Selected Readings and Documents by Joyce C. LebraGordon Mark Berger
MN 31:2 (1976) 212–14The Modern Japanese Military System by James H. BuckLouis Allen
MN 31:2 (1976) 214–17Mutual Images: Essays in American-Japanese Relations by Akira IriyeGary Dean Best
MN 31:2 (1976) 218–19Modern Japan. Aspects of History, Literature and Society by W. G. BeasleyMaida S. Coaldrake
MN 31:2 (1976) 219–20An Index to Japanese Law. A Bibliography of Western Language Materials 1867–1973 by Rex Coleman, John Owen HaleyRichard W. Rabinowitz
MN 31:2 (1976) 221–22A Guide to Japanese Architecture by Richard L. GageEduardo J. Anzorena