Monumenta Nipponica Volume 30, Number 4, 1975
MN 30:4 (1975) 357–91Saikaku’s Parting Gift: Translations from Saikaku OkimiyageRobert W. Leutner
MN 30:4 (1975) 393–403Tokugawa Yoshinobu and Kōbugattai: A Study of Political InadequacyConrad Totman
MN 30:4 (1975) 405–22The Origins of the Sugawara: A History of the Haji FamilyRobert Borgen
MN 30:4 (1975) 423–52Griffis in Japan: The Fukui Interlude, 1871Edward R. Beauchamp
MN 30:4 (1975) 453–56Ugetsu Monogatari. Tales of Moonlight and Rain by Ueda Akinari, Leon M. ZolbrodD. E. Mills
MN 30:4 (1975) 457–58Shiga Naoya by Francis MathyEdwin McClellan
MN 30:4 (1975) 459–60Dazai Osamu by James A. O’BrienDavid Brudnoy
MN 30:4 (1975) 460–62Ten Japanese Poets by Hiroaki SatoJames A. O’Brien
MN 30:4 (1975) 463–64Warrior Government in Early Medieval Japan by Jeffrey P. MassElizabeth Sato
MN 30:4 (1975) 465–68Shiryō Oyatoi Gaikokujin by UNESCO Higashi Ajia Bunka Kenkyū SentāH. J. Jones
MN 30:4 (1975) 469–71Origins of the Modern Japanese State: Selected Writings of E. H. Norman by E. H. Norman., John W. DowerF. G. Notehelfer
MN 30:4 (1975) 472–74Religion in Changing Japanese Society by Morioka KiyomiH. Byron Earhart
MN 30:4 (1975) 474–76Nara Buddhist Art: Todai-ji by Takeshi Kobayashi, Richard L. GageJ. Edward Kidder, Jr.
MN 30:4 (1975) 476–77Dictionary of Oriental Literatures: Volume I, East Asia by Jaroslav Průsek, Zbigniew SlupskiMarian Ury
MN 30:4 (1975) 478–84Survey of JournalsMichael Cooper