Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 28, Number 1 (1973)
MN 28:1 (1973) 1–2Wilhelm Schiffer, S.J., 1914–1972: In MemoriamHeinrich Dumoulin
MN 28:1 (1973) 3–67The Western Education of Kume Kunitake, 1871–6Marlene J. Mayo
MN 28:1 (1973) 69–86A Study in Contrasts: Japanese School Textbooks of 1903 and 1941–5Harry (Harold J.) Wray
MN 28:1 (1973) 87–100The Buddhist Poetry in the GoshūishūRobert E. Morrell
MN 28:1 (1973) 101–103Vita Sexualis by Mori Ogai, Kazuji Ninomiya, Sanford GoldsteinDavid A. Dilworth
MN 28:1 (1973) 104–105Essays on Natsume Sōseki’s Works by Japanese National Commission for UNESCOFrancis Mathy
MN 28:1 (1973) 106–108Japan, Art and Civilization by Louis FrédéricMichael Cooper
MN 28:1 (1973) 108–109Traditional Woodblock Prints of Japan by Seiichirō Takahashi, Richard Stanley-BakerJack Hillier
MN 28:1 (1973) 109–10Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism by Takaaki Sawa, Richard L. GagePier P. Del Campana
MN 28:1 (1973) 110–12Japanese Religion. A Survey by the Agency for Cultural AffairsErnest D. Piryns
MN 28:1 (1973) 113–14Shinto Man by Joseph J. SpaeJoseph M. Kitagawa
MN 28:1 (1973) 114–17Kūkai: Major Works. Translated, with an Account of his Life and a Study of his Thought by Yoshito S. HakedaMarian Ury
MN 28:1 (1973) 117–19Matsuoka Yōsuke. Sono Ningen to Gaikō by Miwa KimitadaAkira Iriye
MN 28:1 (1973) 119–21Jacob Meckel. Sein Leben, sein Wirken in Deutschland und Japan by Georg KerstJoseph Roggendorf
MN 28:1 (1973) 122–25Alliance in Decline. A Study in Anglo-Japanese Relations 1908–23 by Ian H. NishMalcolm D. Kennedy
MN 28:1 (1973) 125–28China and Japan at War 1937–1945. The Politics of Collaboration by John Hunter BoyleJerome Ch’en
MN 28:1 (1973) 129–30Dilemmas of Growth in Pre-war Japan by James W. MorleySydney Crawcour
MN 28:1 (1973) 130–31Sir George Sansom and Japan. A Memoir by Katharine SansomC. R. Boxer
MN 28:1 (1973) 131–33The Japanese and the Jews by Isaiah Ben-Dasan, Richard L. GageAlbert Avraham Altman
MN 28:1 (1973) 133–34Schule und Bildungsreform in Japan. Japanische Bildungspolitik im international Vergleich. Volume I by Klaus LuhmerGustav Voss
MN 28:1 (1973) 135–37Modern Japanese Literature in Western Translations: A Bibliography by Yukio FujinoFrank Joseph Shulman