Monumenta Nipponica Volume 27, Number 1, 1972
MN 27:1 (1972) 1–37Yamato MonogatariMildred Tahara
MN 27:1 (1972) 39–64Toward a Transcultural Philosophy (Part 1)J. Eduardo Pérez
MN 27:1 (1972) 65–83The Reign of Go-Sanjō and the Revival of Imperial PowerG. Cameron Hurst
MN 27:1 (1972) 93–102A Collection of Tales from Uji: A Study and Translation of Uji Shūi Monogatari by D. E. MillsEdwin A. Cranston
MN 27:1 (1972) 102–104Archaeology of the Ryukyu Islands—A Regional Chronology from 3,000 B.C. to the Historic Period by Richard J. PearsonNaoichi Kokubu
MN 27:1 (1972) 104–105Law and Justice in Tokugawa Japan. Materials for the History of Japanese Law and Justice under the Tokugawa Shogunate 1603–1867 by John Henry WigmoreJosé Llompart
MN 27:1 (1972) 106–107Japanese History by Tarō SakamotoMichael Cooper
MN 27:1 (1972) 107–10Christian Converts and Social Protest in Meiji Japan by Irwin ScheinerJohn F. Howes
MN 27:1 (1972) 110Buddhismus der Gegenwart by Heinrich DumoulinJoseph J. Spae
MN 27:1 (1972) 111Collectors’ Netsuke by Raymond BushellDavid Gordon
MN 27:1 (1972) 112–14Kappa by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, Geoffrey Bownas, G. H. HealeyKinya Tsuruta
MN 27:1 (1972) 114–17Light and Darkness by Natsume Sōseki, V. H. ViglielmoWilliam E. Naff
MN 27:1 (1972) 117–19Twenty Plays of the Nō Theatre by Donald Keene, Royall TylerFrank Hoff
MN 27:1 (1972) 119–22Kabuki: The Popular Theater by Toita Yasuji, Don Kenny, Donald L. KeeneTed T. Takaya
MN 27:1 (1972) 122–23Fukuzawa Yukichi to Sono Monka Shoshi by Maruyama Makoto, Tomita Masafumi; Meiji-jin no Mita Fukuzawa Yukichi by Itō MasaoShun’ichi H. Takayanagi