Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 26, Number 1/2 (1971)
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 1–15Nakano Family Documents: Satsuma-Chōshū Trade, 1856–66Robert G. Flershem and Yoshiko N. Flershem
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 49–53The Truth of haikaiWilliam Ritchie Wilson
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 55–75The Muse Described: João Rodrigues’ Account of Japanese PoetryMichael Cooper
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 77–114Mori Ōgai in Germany: A Translation of Fumizukai and Excerpts from Doitsu NikkiKaren Brazell
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 115–42Hebi-Tsuina-SakazukiJohn W. Dower
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 143–58The Last Testament of Okitsu YagoemonWilliam Ritchie Wilson
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 205–24Sandaihihō-shō: An Essay on the Three Great MysteriesPier P. Del Campana
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 225–27The New Generation, Problems of Cultural Identity 1885–1895 by Kenneth B. PyleTetsuo Najita
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 227–28Nishi Amane and Modern Japanese Thought by Thomas R. H. HavensKenneth B. Pyle
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 229–32Impounded People: Japanese-Americans in the Relocation Centers by Edward H. Spicer, Asael T. Hansen, Katherine Luomala, Marvin K. OplerT. Scott Miyakawa
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 232–35Katsuragawa no hitobito (The Katsuragawa Family) by Imaizumi Genkichi, Shinozaki Shorin; Nagori no yume-ran’i Katsuragawa-ke ni umarete (My Childhood in the Ran’i Katsuragawa Family) by Imaizumi MineShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 235–38Meiji zenki no nōgyō kyōiku (Agricultural Education in the Early Meiji Period) by Iinuma JirōShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 238–40Japan’s First General Election, 1890 by R. H. P. MasonJohn M. Maki
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 240–42Grass on the Wayside (Michikusa) by Natsume Sōseki, Edwin McClellanFrancis Mathy
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 243–44Tamba Pottery: The Timeless Art of a Japanese Village by Daniel RhodesJ. Edward Kidder, Jr.
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 244–46Bunraku: The Puppet Theater by Andō Tsuruo, Charles J. DunnTed T. Takaya
MN 26:1/2 (1971) 247–49Books Received