Monumenta Nipponica Volume 24, Number 1/2, 1969
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 1–19Some Thematic and Structural Features of the Genji MonogatariEarl Miner
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 31–45Sharebon: books for men of modeJames T. Araki
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 47–58Shigarami-ZōshiJames R. Morita
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 59–77The Shōkyū War and the Political Rise of the WarriorsJohn S. Brownlee
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 79–91Samurai Discontent and Social Mobility in the Late Tokugawa PeriodRay A. Moore
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 93–111The initial formations of ‘pure experience’ in Nishida Kitarō and William JamesDavid A. Dilworth
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 113–36Buddhism in Postwar Japan: A Critical SurveyMinoru Kiyota
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 137–68Philosophy in present-day JapanFrancisco Pérez Ruiz
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 187–88Japan’s Longest Day by Pacific War Research SocietyJohn Lynch
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 188–92Kindai Nihon shigaku-shi no kenkyū. Meiji hen (Studies on the Development of Modern Historical Science in Japan: Meiji Period) by Ozawa EiichiShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 192–93A Dictionary of Japanese History by Joseph M. GoedertierGino K. Piovesana
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 194–95The Japanese Imperial Institution in the Tokugawa Period by Herschel WebbHarold Bolitho
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 195–98Meiji zenki kyōiku-gyōseishi kenkyū (Studies on the History of Educational Policy in the Early Meiji Era) by Kaneko TerunoriShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 198–99Hara Kei in the Politics of Compromise, 1905–1915 by Tetsuo NajitaZoltán A. Bihari
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 199–20077 Samurai: Japan’s First Embassy to America by Lewis Bush, Itsurō HattoriWilliam A. Laney
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 200–202The Modern Japanese Print—An Appreciation by James MichenerMilan Mihal
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 202–204Christianity Encounters Japan by Joseph J. SpaeEdmund R. Skrzypczak
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 205–206Chinese Buddhist Monasteries: Their Plan and its Function as a Setting for Buddhist Monastic Life by J. Prip-MollerRobert R. Arrowsmith
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 206–208The Imperial Hotel, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Architecture of Unity by Cary JamesRobert R. Arrowsmith
MN 24:1/2 (1969) 209Books Received