Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 23, Number 3/4 (1968)
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 229–320The Kinkafu Collection of Ancient Japanese SongsNoah S. Brannen
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 321–430The Mumyōshō of Kamo no Chōmei and Its Significance in Japanese LiteratureHilda Katō
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 431–43Case studies of social change in the Region of Oshimizu GumiRobert G. Flershem
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 445–56Gift-Giving in a Modernizing JapanHarumi Befu
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 457–74The Immutable Despair of Dazai OsamuDavid Brudnoy
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 475–84Comparison of Western and Japanese culturesM. Huntington
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 497–502Nishida’s Doctrine of ‘Universals’Hiromichi Takeda
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 503–504Mystics and Zen Masters by Thomas MertonWilliam Johnston
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 504–505The Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing: A Modern Interpretation by William JohnstonPeter Milward
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 505–506Shintō no chikara (The Power of Shinto) by Ueda KenjiAlfred Bloom
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 507–508Nichiren no shisō to Kamakura bukkyō (Nichiren’s Thought and Buddhism in the Kamakura Period) by Togoro ShigekiShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 508–510Vaccari’s Standard English-Japanese Dictionary by Mr. Oreste Vaccari, Mrs. Oreste VaccariEdmund R. Skrzypczak
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 510–512Nippongo ni oyoboshita Orandago no eikyō (Dutch Influence on the Japanese Language by Saitō ShizukaShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 512–514Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenkō by Donald KeeneThomas E. Swann
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 514Takizawa Bakin by Leon ZolbrodThomas E. Swann
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 515–516The Okagami: A Japanese Historical Tale by Joseph K. YamagiwaPier P. Del Campana
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 516–517Un poète de cour sous les Han: Sseu-Ma Siang-Jou by Yves HervouetAndrè Nougè
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 517–519Tokyo Essays by E. W. F. TomlinPeter Milward
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 519–520Theater East and West: Perspectives toward a Total Theater by Leonard C. PronkoJoseph P. Love
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 520El Arte del Japon, Vol. XXI Series ‘Summa Artis’ by Fernando G. GutiérrezJosé María de Vera
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 521Contemporary Japanese Houses by Charles S. TerryErnest Lutze
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 523Contemporary Japanese Prints by Michiaki Kawakita, John BesterFernando G. Gutiérrez
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 524–525Cultural Anthropology in Japan by The Committee for the Publication of Cultural Anthropological Studies in JapanJean Frisch
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 525–527Arai Hakuseki und seine Geschichtsauffassung. Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie Japans in der Tokugawa-Zeit by Ulrich KemperArcadio Schwade
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 527–528Hirado Eikoku-shōkan nikki (The Diary of the English Factory at Hirado) by Minakawa SaburōShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 528–529Ahen sensō zen Chū-Ei kōshō bunsho (The Anglo-Chinese Negotiation Documents Before the Opium War) by Sasaki Masaya; Ahen sensō no kenkyū (A Study of the Opium War-Official Documents) by Sasaki Masaya; Ahen sensō go no Chū-Ei kōsō (The Anglo-Chinese Disputes After the Opium War-Official Documents) by Sasaki MasayaAloysius Chang
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 529–532Imperial Japan’s Higher Civil Service Examinations by Robert M. Spaulding, Jr.Ori Kan
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 532–533Political Thought in Early Meiji Japan, 1868–1889 by Joseph PittauShūichi Katō
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 533–535Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Robert M. Deiters
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 535–537Yukiguni no yogatari. Echigo no mukashibanashi (Night-Time Tales of the Snow Country, Folk Tales of Echigo) by Mizusawa Ken’ichi; Denshō bungei, Daigo-gō, Dairoku-gō (Traditional Literary Arts) No. 5 Shimokita chihō mukashibanashi-shū (Folk Tales of the Shimokita Region) by Kokugakuin daigaku minzoku bunka kenkyūkai-iin (Folk Literature Club of Kokugakuin University); No. 6 Iwate-ken-minami mukashibanashi-shū (Folk Tales of the Southern Iwate Prefecture) by Kokugakuin daigaku minzoku bunka kenkyūkai-iin (Folk Literature Club of Kokugakuin University); Hirusen bonchi no mukashibanashi. Mukashi banashi kenkyū shiryō sōsho I (Folk Tales of Hirusen Valley, Folk Tale Research Series) by Inada Kōji, Fukuda AkiraFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 537–538Davao: A Case Study in Japanese-Philippine Relations by Grant K. GoodmanRodolfo G. Fernandez
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 538–540Beyond Vietnam: The United States and Asia by Edwin O. ReischauerJules van Overmeeren
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 540–541Oyatoi gaikokujin (Foreigners in Japanese Employment), Vol. I: Gaisetsu (General Introduction) by Umetani NoboruJohannes Siemes
MN 23:3/4 (1968) 542Books Received