Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 23, Number 1/2 (1968)
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 1–17In Memoriam: Robert Hans van GulikJoseph Roggendorf
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 9–30The Formulation of the Meiji Government Policy Toward the employment of foreignersHazel J. Jones
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 31–65The Japanese legacy: The Japanese University Student Confronts Religion (Part 3)Alphonse M. Nebreda
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 66–89Japan & Manchuria: Ambassador Forbes’ Appraisal of American Policy Toward Japan in the Years 1931–32George Alexander Lensen
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 90–101Serious television drama: The Japanese Audience – Its Composition and CharacteristicsJosé María de Vera
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 187–89The Japanese Haiku in Hispanic PoetryGary L. Brower
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 190–207Ukiyo-e paintings abroad: A Review ArticleRichard Lane
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 208–10Koten-bunka no sōzō (Creation of Classical Culture) by Hayashiya TatsusaburōShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 210–12The Manyoshu: A New and Complete Translation by H. H. HondaEdmund R. Skrzypczak
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 212–13Zeami, Bashō, Yeats, Pound. A Study in Japanese and English Poetics by Makoto UedaJohn S. Brownlee
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 213–15Meiji-shoki no bungaku-shisō (Literary Thought in the Early Meiji Era) by Yanagida IzumiShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 215Traditions in Japanese Design. Vol. I, Kachō: Bird and Flower Motifs by Arakawa Hirokazu, Hasebe Gakuji, Imanaga Seiji, Okumura Hideo, Alan TurneyFernando G. Gutiérrez
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 216–18The Onin War. History of its Origins and Background, with a Selective Translation of The Chronicle of Onin by H. Paul VarleyJohn S. Brownlee
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 218–19Kindai Nihon shigaku shi no kenkyū. Bakumatsu hen. (Studies on the Development of Modern Historical Science in Japan: 1801–67) by Ozawa EiichiShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 219A Correlated History of the Far East by Maria PenkalaEdmund R. Skrzypczak
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 220–23Japanese Trade Unionism by Alice H. CookMakoto Sakurabayashi
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 223Specimen Pages of Korean Movable Types by Melvin P. McGovernRichard Lane
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 224–25Chinese Buddhist Bronzes by Hugo MunsterbergFernando G. Gutiérrez
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 225Symposium on Historical, Archaeological and Linguistic Studies on Southern China, Southeast Asia and the Hong Kong Region by F. S. Darke, Wolfram EberhardPaul Yang
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 226China’s First Unifier, A Study of the Ch’in Dynasty as Seen in the Life of Li Ssu, 280–208 B.C. by Derk BoddeMichael R. Saso
MN 23:1/2 (1968) 227–28The Gibbon in China, An Essay In Chinese Animal Lore by R. H. Van GulikJean Frisch