Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 20, Number 3/4 (1965)
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 253–82Inoue Kowashi, 1843–1895 and the Formation of Modern JapanJoseph Pittau
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 283–97The Religious Novel of KūkaiY. S. Hakeda
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 298–318The Legacy of the West: The Japanese University Student Confronts Religion (Part 2)Alfonso M. Nebreda
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 319–34The Year of Zeami’s Birth, with a Translation of the Museki IsshiBenito Ortolani and Kazuyoshi Nishi
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 335–58Life is Tragic: The Diary of Nishida KitarōLothar G. Knauth
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 359–73Socio-Economic Dualism in JapanCarlo Caldarola
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 374–88The Influence of Tu Fu on BashōFumiko Fujikawa
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 389–443Miura Baien, 1723–1789, and His Dialectic & Political IdeasGino K. Piovesana
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 444–48Aspects of the National Character Reflected in Japanese Penal LawFumio Aoyagi
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 449Nihon no Chishikijin (The Intellectual in Japan) by Oda MakotoShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 451–52Das Kabukitheater, Kulturgeschichte der Anfänge by Benito OrtolaniKitsutarō Sugino
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 452–54The Ballad-Drama of Medieval Japan by James T. ArakiBenito Ortolani
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 454–58Sōtatsu by Yamane YūzōJoseph P. Love
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 458–59Magic of Trees and Stones, Secrets of Japanese Gardening by Katsuo Saito, Sadaji WadaJoseph P. Love
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 459–60Japanese Art, A Collector’s Guide by Alex R. Newman, Egerton RyersonJoseph P. Love
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 460–61Namazu-e and Their Themes, An Interpretive Approach to Some Aspects of Japanese Folk Religion by C. OuwehandFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 461–63Tōyōshi to Seiyōshi to no aida (East and West, Their Historical Relationships) by Iizuka Kōji; Tōyō e no shikaku to Seiyō e no shikaku (Some Thoughts on East and West) by Iizuka KōjiShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 463–64Seiyō jimmei jiten (Dictionary of Western Personal Names) by Senda Masao, Takahashi Shigeomi, Horiuchi Minoru; Nihon kindai shi, denki hen (Modern History of Japan: Biography) by Nihon Gakujutsu KaigiJoseph Pittau
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 464–66Education in Tokugawa Japan by R. P. DoreJohn E. Blewett
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 466–67Yoshida Shigeru, sono hito, sono seiji (Yoshida Shigeru, The Man and His Politics) by Fujiwara HirotatsuTomosuke Kasuya
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 467–68The Origin of Entrepreneurship in Meiji Japan by Johannes HirschmeierRobert K. Paus
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 468–71Minobe Tatsukichi no shisōshiteki kenkyū (Intellectual and Historical Studies in Minobe Tatsukichi) by Ienaga SaburōJoseph Pittau
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 471–72Southeast Asia. Illusion and Reality in Politics and Economics by Lennox A. MillsCharles Bracelen Flood
MN 20:3/4 (1965) 472–74Japan and the Philippines, 1868–1898 by Josefa M. SanielCharles Bracelen Flood