Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 19, Number 3/4 (1964)
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 235–42The Acceptance of Western Culture in Japan: General ObservationsJirō Numata
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 243–53The Introduction of Dutch LanguageJirō Numata
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 254–74The Acceptance of Western Medicine in JapanRanzaburō Ōtori
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 275–94Geography and Japanese Knowledge of World GeographyShintarō Ayusawa
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 295–314The European Influence on Japanese AstronomyHideo Hirose
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 315–39The Western Influence on Natural History in JapanMasuzō Ueno
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 340–51The European Influence on Physical Sciences in JapanSuketoshi Yajima
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 352–79The Western Influence on Japanese Military Science, Shipbuilding, and NavigationSeiho Arima
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 380–401The Influence of Western Culture on Japanese ArtTamon Miki
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 402–19General Bibliography on the Impact of Western Culture in Japan
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 456–65Research on the 1593 Jesuit Mission Press Edition of Esop’s FablesRichard L. Spear
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 466–68A Bibliographical Note on Miura BaienGino K. Piovesana
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 469–75Japanese Language for BeginnersFederico Lanzaco
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 476–77The Japanese Enlightenment. A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi by Carmen BlackerJoseph Pittau
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 477–79Asian Revolutionary. The Life of Sen Katayama by Hyman KublinGino K. Piovesana
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 479–82Franz Xaver, Sein Leben und seine Zeit. Band II: Asien 1541–1552. Erster Halbband: Indien und Indonesien 1541–1547 by Georg SchurhammerHubert Cieslik
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 482–85Meiji Bungakushi (History of Meiji Literature) by Nakamura Mitsuo; Taishō Bungakushi (History of Taishō Literature) by Usui Yoshimi; Shōwa Bungakushi (History of Shōwa Literature) by Hirano Ken; Sengo Bungaku No Kaisō (Recollections on Postwar Literature) by Nakamura Shin’ichirōShun’ichi H. Takayanagi
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 485–87After the Banquet by Yukio Mishima, Donald KeeneCharles Bracelen Flood
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 487–90The Voyage of the Alceste to the Ryukyus and Southeast Asia by John M’LeodCharles Bracelen Flood
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 490Studies in Japanese Folklore by Richard M. DorsonFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 491–92Folktales of Japan by Keigo Seki, Robert J. AdamsFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 492–93Japanese Rainmaking and Other Folk Practices by Geoffrey BownasFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 493–97The Japanese House: A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture by Heinrich EngelRobert R. Arrowsmith
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 498–99Japan’s New Middle Class, The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb by Ezra F. VogelJohn E. Blewett
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 500El Matrimonio de los Japoneses. Problema, y Soluciones Segun un Ms. Inedito de Gil de la Mata, S.J. (1547–1599) by Gil de la Mata, Jesús López GayJ. K. Jolson
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 501–503Gendai Seiji no Shisō to Kōdō (Thought and Behavior in Modern Politics) by Maruyama Masao; Thought and Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics by Maruyama Masao; Maruyama Masao Chosaku Nōto (Notes on Maruyama Masao’s Writings) by Imai JuichirōJoseph Pittau
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 504–505Emperor and Nation in Japan. Political Thinkers of the Tokugawa Period by David Magarey EarlJoseph Pittau
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 505–509Law in Japan: The Legal Order in a Changing Society by Arthur Taylor von MehrenAntonio Ruocco
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 509–510China and Christianity. The Missionary Movement and the Growth of Chinese Antiforeignism, 1860–1870 by Paul A. CohenJean Monsterleet
MN 19:3/4 (1964) 510–512Korean Works and Days by Richard RuttCharles Bracelen Flood